Ven-000417 “Red Draigon” [color=ed1c24]Class:[/color] Venator Star Destroyer [color=ed1c24]Registration:[/color] The Red Draigon [img][/img] [color=ed1c24]Captain:[/color] [hider=Admiral Cieria] [img][/img] [color=0076a3]Species:[/color] Chiss [color=0076a3]Name:[/color] Crezci’eri’ando (Cieria, pronounced like Syria) [color=0076a3]Rank:[/color] Admiral of the 417th Republic Navy [color=0076a3]Personality/bio:[/color] Cieria is a woman that expects results and has no time for failure. Those that frequently fail are seen as weak by her and she is quick to replace them. She is a cold and calculating Admiral with a keen strategic mind. She can find her way around almost any obstacle on the battlefield both in space and on the ground. While not a strong fighter with a blaster, she can fly a ship as if she was born with wings. She even outclasses some Jedi in a fighter. She also knows what it is like to be alone. As a very young child she was stranded outside of Chiss space after a battle with pirates. Her family was exploring the known galaxy for new planets to spread Chiss influence. With her parents dead and no way to return home she was found by a smuggler from the Outer Rim of Republic Space. Despite his profession, he was immensely loyal to the Republic and was often taking jobs from the government to bring aid to planets in need. Especially in Hutt Space. Her adopted father raised her during these supply runs and she quickly learned to fly and calculate the best ways to get the job done. She lost her enthusiasm about the job in her late teens when a pirate gang killed her adopted parent and began terrorizing the planets in the local systems. Over the next six years she gathered herself a quite sizeable militia of both civilian and military vessels. Her favorite was the early prototype Venator that she stole from the pirate gang. (Which they had stolen from the Kuati Shipyards.) By the time she was 24 she was famous throughout the galaxy as a naval leader. She lead her militia against multiple pirate gangs including the Black Sun. Due to what she called incompetence, an officer she hired on the wishes of her advisers got over half of her fleet killed during a batlle in which she was not present. From then on it became extremely hard for the people around her to gain her trust. Two years before the Battle of Geonosis, at the age of 26, she left the militia she created and moved to Kuat where she studied the new Venator Class Star Destroyers. She was approached by Count Dooku to be a leader in the Separatist armada but refused because of her still deep loyalty to the Republic. Instead after the battle of Geonosis she decided to enlist in the new Grand Army of the Republic. Chancellor Palpatine himself gave her the rank of Admiral and put her in charge of the 417th Navy. He said he saw great potential in the woman and that he would be watching her career eagerly. She seems to like the Clones, they get their job done and follow orders. So far almost none of them have been incompetent, though they have yet to enter into battle.[/hider] [color=ed1c24]First Mate:[/color][hider=Captain Proto] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CN 65-0986 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Proto [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Captain, First Mate of the “Red Draigon” [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] Proto is just a normal Clone with a full beard trimmed short. He has no tattoos or anything else to set him apart from other clones. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Proto is a by the book type of clone. He has no real interest in individualization and only grew his beard out on the request of the Admiral so that she could recognize him among the other clones. He knows that were he not stationed on the same ship as a non-clone admiral he would command his own Venator at the rank of Captain. This doesn’t bother him much though as he is at home taking orders. Proto has a decent strategic mind and is an excellent helmsman for a Capital Class ship. He gets the job done without complaint and completes his duties efficiently. He also knows by heart every single Protocol in the Republic Military, hence his name. He is also not very happy about his name but will answer to it. Proto has an absent sense of humor. Most of the clones on the Draigon claim he was kept in his growth jar too long and that is why he was born without human emotions. He is quick to discipline the soldiers and he is considered the clone incarnation of Lama Su. He doesn’t much like the Jedi because of their insistence that clones should individualize themselves though he would never state so openly. He respects the chain of command and he respects the Admiral. He sees her as a warrior fit to lead clones into battle[/hider] [color=ed1c24]Crew: [/color] [hider=Fighter Commander HotShot] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CP 11-652 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] HotShot [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Striker Squadron leader and the overall fighter commander aboard the Draigon [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] HotShot has a goatee and a tattoo of his Z-95 on his neck. He has dyed both the hair on his head and on his face red. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] HotShot believes he is the best damn pilot in the entire Grand Army of the Republic. While that is an exaggeration he is certainly good at is job. He is hot headed and reckless but still gets the job done. He keeps count of all of his kills and paints tally marks on the side of his fighter. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Fighter Officer[/hider] [hider=Striker Two Dog] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CP 31-212 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Dog [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Striker Two, second in command of Striker Squadron and HotShot’s wingman [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] Dog has a pretty shaggy appearance. He has long hair and a long beard that only barely fits inside his helmet. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Dog is almost exactly like HotShot. The two are best friends and share similar personalities. Dog isn’t as good a pilot but is less reckless. He is usually the one actually leading the squad while HotShot is busy shooting down droids. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Fighter[/hider] [hider=Chief Engineer Salen] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CE 88-37123 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Salen [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Chief Engineer [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] Salen shaved the top of his head but kept the hair on the sides and the back. He also grew a mustache and sideburns. He tried to make himself look older for whatever reason. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Salen acts like he is a veteran of war even though he is not only a rookie like the rest of the Legion at this point but is also technically only an engineer. Despite this he is seen as wise by the men and is incredibly good at his job. Most everyone likes Salen even if they think he is a little crazy. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Engineer[/hider] [hider=Flight Chief BossMan] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CN 43-456 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] BossMan [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Flight deck chief. He is in charge of everything that goes on in the hanger [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] BossMan has a really thick beard and oily hair [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] BossMan is a very humorous clone. He is often joking around and is liked by the men. He does take his hanger very seriously though. Don’t screw with his hanger. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Flight Deck Controller[/hider] [hider=Security Chief Bek] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CN 99-0099 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Bek [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Security Chief [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] He dyed his hair blonde [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Bek should have been born a Trooper. Or at least that’s what he believes. Instead he is a glorified patrol clone. He is more at home speaking to the infantry clones when they are stationed on the ship than talking to other navy personnel. The most fun he has aboard the Draigon is when they are boarded. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Security[/hider] [hider=Doctor Bones] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CN 854-092 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Bones [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Chief Medical Officer/Clone Doctor [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] Bones looks like a completely normal clone except for the skull and cross bones tattooed on his neck. It doesn’t give his patients the best feeling. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Bones is a man with a love for irony. That must be why he got his tattoo. He finds it funny that he is a doctor and has the symbol of poison on his neck. He has very dry humor but is ultimately pretty good at his job. He doesn’t have the skill to save patients in terribly fatal condition as the Kaminoans didn’t teach any of the Clone Doctors that far. He sure as hell can use a Bacta Tank though. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Medical Officer[/hider] [hider=Navigation Officer Maps] [color=ed1c24]Number:[/color] CN 12-345 [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Maps [color=ed1c24]Rank:[/color] Navigation Officer, handles plotting hyperspace routes with droids and advising the Captain on where to helm the ship. [color=ed1c24]Distinguishing features:[/color] He has a tattoo of the Galactic Map on his chest. Part of it can be seen over the collar of his uniform on his neck. [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Like most of the bridge crew he is pretty by the book. His only ‘odd’ tendency is his obsession with galactic maps and hyperspace lanes. If a Clone can every leave the GAR he wants to become an explorer in the unknown regions. [color=ed1c24]Role:[/color] Navigation[/hider]