With wind, rain and haste the arrows only managed to down a few bandits. More landed into the backs of the cloaked figures behind them, but the wooden shafts penetrating the flesh did not even cause them to flinch, let alone stop their chanting in the center of the square. The huge bandit Arklemar lifted his maul to swing at the little wolf girl as she tried to dive out of the way, but his hulking arm was stopped by a peculiar man. He was muscled despite his thinness and as Akrlemar noticed tall enough to almost reach his armpit. As the huge bandits arm collided with the stranger's grip a few things happened. Aegis's arm was wrenched downward from the force of the eight foot tall behemoth's blow and inside of Aegis's mind he heard a sinister voice call out "TRAITOR!" but it did not seem to be direct at Aegis himself. The grip on the giant bandit's arm was quite impressive. Arklemar could actually register the force down to his bones. He smiled and threw his other arm at his new opponent to try and crush this man into the dirt with sheer downward force. At the same time he threw his head back towards his bandits. "CHARGE 'EM YOU GOOD FOR NOTHIN'S!" he screamed and those of his band that hand not been struck down by arrows or taken up a firing position at the rangers, some twenty disorganized men, picked up their weapons and charged the ranger firing line with fear and blood lust and fury.