"My name is Mulan." She gives a respectful bow to her. "I am also vice president of the disciplinary committee. Its my job report rule breakers in the school." Mulan looks around the room. "Kiara, Kovu's girlfriend, used to live here. She went missing a few days ago. We're not sure whether she's simply skipping class or..." She doesn't finish the sentence. Instead she scans Juliette suspiciously. "May I ask a few questions about you?" XXX "Well... The book felt like a bad piece of fiction. I skimmed across the pages, looked for the names of places. I found two, but the paragraphs surrounding that explicate explained that sniffers left those cities. Like an exodus. If the story is true, sniffers shouldn't be extinct. There's just no way to find them..." The introduction pages explained the nature of them. Sniffers don't use magic, its some sort of genetic defect that makes them part animal. Nothing separates sniffers from any other magic user. They can blend in among any group of mages and remain undetected with their astonishing ability. [b]The school bell rings. Class is about to start.[/b] "Screw this." Shenzi announces, "if magicka screws me over for this, I'll make you pay." She storms off, the other two boys follow her, hissing and laughing.