[hider=Designation: Acc-22006, "Blue Command" Nickname: "Big Blue"] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/284d/f/2012/298/b/a/star_wars_rhi_acclamator_ii_class_assault_ship_by_seeras-d5iwdkf.png[/img] Class: Acclamator Captain: Number P-011 Name: [color=9e005d]Polly[/color] Rank: Captain Distinguishing features: Tattoo of Republic's symbol on right forearm, head shaved bald and a thick but not long beard, blind right eye, with a slash scar running over it and onto the forehead from the cheek, the result of a training mishap. Personality: What most would call a maverick in his younger years, Polly (A name given not only due to his designation, but as a sarcastic jab at his hot-headedness and macho behavior) was groomed to be a part of the command structure in some capacity, and thus is smarter and more battle-savvy than the average clone. As he aged, he continued acting up, and termination was considered by the Kaminoans, but P-011's tactical knowledge proved stronger than most of his colleagues, so he proved too smart to terminate, plus, he never displayed any outward aggression to his higher-ups, always following orders to the letter. Due to his poor teamwork skills, it was decided that he'd need to be a commander with nobody to answer to but himself and the high command, and thus he was assigned to be the commander of the 417th's Blue Squadron, which included his ship and the fighters stationed on it. As a commander, P-011 demands respect and loyalty, any incompetence is swiftly punished, and if his orders are challenged, expect nothing good to come of it. Despite this, P-011 is willing to accept guidance from those he respects, and although he is rude and condescending to everybody but himself, he would be willing to stand up for his friends. P-011 is proud, excessively so, to the point of blasphemous boasts, comparing himself favourably to Jedi Masters. P-011 is diligent, and works hard to get what he is asked of done, though without direction, he is prone to poor decisions, except for when in combat, at which point he would even advise others on what action they should take next. Overall, P-011 is an unpleasant person, though worth having around. First Mate Number L-520 Name: [color=8882be]"Claw"[/color] Rank: Helmsman/First Mate Distinguishing features: Hair grown out to shoulder-blade length, shaved facial hair, tattoo of the Legion's logo on left cheekbone. Personality: Quiet and reserved, L-520 was trained as a pilot, known for his skill at piloting larger ships. "Claw" gained his name for his skill at quick yet powerful assaults in combat simulations. As a person, L-520 is reserved and introverted, not seeking out friends, and instead focusing on personal time, reading often. Due to the few books available at Kamino's facilities, L-520 appealed to P-011 for one of his books on command, reluctant and sarcastic as usual, P-011 said he had no need of the books, and gave them away. as L-520 read, he became fascinated with the contents, eventually returning to P-011 for more. This cycle continued until the two began to speak more openly, P-011 discovered that L-520's ability at sarcastic comments rivaled his own, and L-520 became more open as a result of his conversations, gaining his nickname a new meaning, as his snarky comments and witty insults were quick and painful. Brutally honest, and a firm believer in justice, L-520 asked to be assigned to a front-line craft because he "Hated the commanders who sit in the back not doing anything". Assigned to the same ship as his old friend, L-520 expected to be a simple helmsman, but as P-011 had been trained on the same material as L-520, he gave the Helmsman First Mate status. Crew: Number: K-5632P Name: [color=00a651]"Thor"[/color] Rank: Chief Engineer Distinguishing features: Never seen without a cigarra, crew-cut hair, no tattooing, heterochromia, left eye blue, right eye brown. Personality: No-nonsense and to the point, Thor (Named due to his skill with electrical engineering) may have been a drill sergeant in another life. Loud and large, Thor likes to be in charge, though he backs down quickly when challenged. Thor likes quiet, and hates people who talk too much Role: Engineer Number: Bi Delta-973 Name: [color=0054a6]"Cannonball"[/color] Rank: Chief of Security Distinguishing features: Shaved hair, shaved face, tattoos of cannonballs on both cheeks Personality: Quiet, threatening, and a master of intimidation, Cannonball (Nickname given due to obvious reasons) is scary, and he knows it, often threatening people to get what he wants, despite this, he's widely considered the nicest guy on the ship. Role: Chief of Security Number: FT Di-4523 Name: [color=00aeef]"Pronto"[/color] Rank: Second Mate Distinguishing features: Bald with a handlebar mustache, with a tattoo of an arrow, going from the back of his head to his forehead. Personality: Talkative and almost never serious, Pronto (Name given due to his ability to appear anywhere incredibly quickly without any explanation) isn't someone you'd expect to see get accepted to such a high position. In combat, Pronto's smile disappears, and the face of a veteran is seen on the young clone, and his skill at tactics becomes very apparent. Role: Officer Number: Y8-532 Name: [color=f26522]"Wolf" [/color] Rank: Fighter and Bomber Commander Distinguishing features: Wavy hair, with a ponytail at the back, has a chinstrap beard. Personality: Organized to an insane degree, if you want to find something, Wolf's office is the place to go. Always planning, Wolf is considered the smartest crew-member on the ship, often asked difficult math questions, which he answers effortlessly. Role: Officer Number: O-777 Name: "Trips" Rank: Security Lieutenant Distinguishing features: Hair cut into monk-style halo, the word "Jackpot" tattooed across his cheeks, thick and long beard, going to mid-chest. Personality: Eccentric and odd, Nothing about Trips (His designation has three of the same letter, thus "Trips") is quite right, often considered the court jester of the ship, Trips would take any dare, and go through with it, no questions asked. Despite this, he is a very fast runner and an excellent shot. Role: Security Number: G1-115 Name: "Graves" Rank: Second Engineer Distinguishing features: Wears an eye-patch over his left eye most times, in the event of a power outage or a burnt out light, he lifts it up, allowing the eye to see more easily in the dark. Personality: Professional and down-to business, Graves (Named after how he seemed near dead most of the time) Is widely considered boring, all of his eccentricities only exist because they have a purpose, such as wearing cooled metal plating under his jumpsuit to cool him down when working in the hotter parts of the ship. Despite this, Graves is very kind, and loves to talk to people, it's just they walk away when he tries. Role: Engineer Number: T-051 Name: "Toast" Rank: Engine Tech Distinguishing features: Hair dyed blonde, no beard. Personality: Toast (Named due to his domain being the hottest part of the ship) loves to have fun, and the only reason the higher command knows of him is due to his openness and bright smile, often interrupting strategy meetings talk to the higher ups. Role: Engineer [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZGzBlVu2N8&ab_channel=AlixandahDumas]Crew Designated Fight Music. (Played prior to battle to hype up the men)[/url][/hider]