[b]Username:[/b] Night_Star [b]Name:[/b] Energy Twinkle [b]Species:[/b] Whiptail dragon [b]Age:[/b] Just entered the Adult stage [b]Personality:[/b] Energy Twinkle is just like her name - she has so much energy, she's usually gone in the twinkle of an eye! She's very friendly and she just cannot sit still. Exploring new places is her thing, especially places that have a sense of mystery and adventure about them. Energy tends to easily get over-excited about something and she can get so hyped about something, it's almost heart-breaking to see her reaction when things don't turn out the way she expects them to. She has a stubborn streak when the situation calls for it. When there's a fight, she never backs down, no matter how fragile her Whiptail body might be. [b]Appearance:[/b] [Hider=Dragon Form] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragcave/images/6/65/Whiptail_adult.png/revision/latest?cb=20130506004214[/img][/HIDER] [Hider=Human Form] She'll look like an average seventeen-year old teenage girl, with slightly tan skin and dark brown hair that reaches past her shoulder blades. Her eyes would be sky blue, turning a vivid deep blue if she uses her telekinesis. Instead of normal human ears, she would retain her scaly, pointed brown dragon ears. They're not very noticeable, as they blend in with her hair. Her long tail will remain, minus the blue stripes.[/Hider] [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] She's slightly faster than most other Whiptails and has some experience with magic, being able to use moderate telekinesis from pushing a candle over to lifting up another dragon. However, she does not use magic much as it takes a toll on her fragile body. [b]Other:[/b] Running around is one of the things she does best - and she likes it! While using telekinesis, her blue stripes will glow. Like other Whiptails, she is physically weak but her acute speed and agility more than makes up for it.