[center] [h3][color=blue]Российская Федерация[/color][/h3] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/f/f3/20120812153730!Flag_of_Russia.svg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOAtz8xWM0w][b]Государственный гимн Российской Федерации[/b][/url] [/center] [b]December 4th, 2015, Moscow Russia[/b] In the inner sanctums of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin sits with his closest advisors, men that the public don't even know about. To the right of Putin sits Petros Konstantus, the man who Putin appointed for the plans he doesn't want the public to know about. On his left sits Anton Vasilev, the man Putin assigned to developing military projects he wouldn't want the United States, or any other nation for that matter, having the ability to take the plans for it through hacking. "You both know why I called you here, correct?" Putin asks. Both Petros and Anton nod, from Putin's tone, they can tell this is urgent and that he is not in a mood to be annoyed. "The Ukrainians just sent in an offer stating that we should move out the Crimea, and they expect us to accept it! The fools, its like they are just trying to make themselves look like the victims in this war." Putin states angrily. "I saw sir, and I personally think that the offer might be possible, but with the right changes of course." Petros states. "And what changes would those be?" Putin asks. "Simple sir, we tell them that we shall keep the Crimea but we will help the Ukrainians with stamping out Novorossiya, along with the other agreements they put up." "That does seem like a good idea." Anton states in favor of what Petros stated. "Okay then, I do believe we have that settled, but now to two other things, we must settle out what to do with the Golden Dawn and the Brazilian Fascist movement." Putin states. "This can be simple and can play out in our way, if we use the cards right." Anton states. "Anton is correct." Petros adds on, "We must fund both movements, and we should arm the Brazilian Fascist Movement, but we must do this as secretly as possible." "Well Petros, thats obvious, we must stop the communists in Brazil from opposing our interests, and maybe if we get Brazil on our side we could threaten the Americans, but what about the Golden Dawn, they are stating that me must give them a loan for their transition to the Dracma for them to leave the EU." Putin responds. "That is a lot more difficult, after this meeting Petros and I will be right on it planning." Anton states. "Perfect, that stops majority of the international things other then both China and the Golden Dawn leader agreeing to come to the Moscow Pact meeting, but I can easily resolve this myself. I say its time to begin planning Project [i]Царь поднимается[/i]." Putin says, smiling. [hider=To the Golden Dawn] We thank you for joining the event and meeting. I will have to think about the loan but we are very happy that you will soon free Greece from the corrupt rulers that they have now Sincerely, Vladimir Putin. [/hider] [hider=To the Brazilian Fascist Movement] We will gladly send you supplies, intelligence, and fundings for your operations in freeing Brazil from the horrible leader it has now, and if you succeed, which I pray you will, then I will gladly invite you to the Moscow Pact. On another note, I'd advise you to change your name to something less menacing, possible the Sunrise Movement, showing that you want to bring a new day to stop the disgusting corrupt communist that currently rule over your great country. Sincerely, Vladimir Putin. [/hider] [hider=To China] We are happy that you will be coming to the Moscow Pact meeting, anything you need to discuss that shall be beneficial for both of our countries shall also be looked at and respected. Sincerely, Vladimir Putin [/hider] [hider=To The Ukraine] Hello, Slavic brothers, I have some modifications to the deal that you are providing that I think shall be a bit more even. I am thinking that if we get to keep the Crimea, but we shall help you stamp out the rebels in Novorossiya, this shall go along with the alliances. I am also extending a possibility of you joining the Moscow Pact, that is of course, if you accept the deals. Sincerely, Vladimir Putin [/hider] [hr] December 4th, 2015, St Petersburg Dmitry Medvedev sits with his closest allies, the others who are planning the fall of Putin. Dmitry has a mole inside the Kremlin, and his knowledge of Project Царь поднимается shows that they must act quickly, because if they fail, the whole world may be at risk by a mad man with the power of a god. "Lets get down to business, how are we going to stop Putin?" Dmitry asks the people around him. "That is difficult, we need to find away to get the public to stop supporting him, but we have to do this before the 11th, if we don't, it will be to late." states one of the anti-Putin supporters around Dmitry. "How about this, we have a way to broadcast something across all of the channels in Russia, what if we send out a message revealing what Project Царь поднимается is when the leaders are meeting for the Moscow Pact. Then we'd most likely have riots all across the country, causing Putin to step down." Dmitry states. "This idea could work, I will send my team to get planning." states Sergey Vanislovia, the man Dmitry appointed second in command of his plan to take down Putin. [hider=Dmitry's Flag of Freedom] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs49/f/2009/158/b/0/New_Russia_by_Sapiento.png[/img] [/hider]