Role/Class Mayor’s daughter/warioress (the swashbuckling/duelist type) Appearance [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Armor (ignore the damage on the left body side part though. I don't think it's supposed to be open like that. I think its done to show the interior leatherwork. [hider=armor] [img][/img] [/hider] Name: Phaelina Laewin Dawnfall Age: 20 Gender: female Personality Phaelina is by nature very energetic and cheerful. She is adventurous and curious about the world around her. She is always looking for something to do, something to see. She always wants to learn more about the world and its intricacies. Furthermore, she’s very cultured and mild-mannered as a result from her lifestyle. However, she may look down upon those that are very clearly less so. She thinks she’s protective of the people she likes. Other people would rather say she’s incredibly overprotective. She has a strong sense of pride which leads to her usually bottling up her worries and acting as if nothing is wrong. She tries to act stronger in front of others than that she actually is just to leave a better impression. She also likes being liked; feeling disliked can get her down quite easily. She’s very critical and doesn’t believe something before she actually sees it. This is also the case for the Ascythenia. Bio: Phaelina was born in the Vale and has lived there for her entire life, living in a quite lavish home in the middle of the town. A large house surrounded by gardens filled with sunflowers. When she was young, one of her favorite activities was to hear the tales her father had to tell about the time before she was born. These were the tales of a heroic warrior and his powerful allies performing mighty deeds that allowed the Vale to prosper. Some of these tales might’ve been a tad exaggerated, but that wasn’t something Phaelina needed to know. The tales inspired her. She aspired to become like the heroes she heard of in the tales. She asked her father to teach her the ways of the sword that he had put down so long ago. Her father was more than willing to do so. Despite her living conditions, she had never liked dolls and frilly dresses in the first place, much to her mother’s disdain. However, her mother was happy enough that she could at least teach her the importance of proper manners. When she wasn’t training, in school or playing in the gardens with her friends or with the dogs, she could be found in front of the giant bookcase that was present in the house. It was filled with books about the history of the world, it’s folklore and other topics such as economics and leadership. These were all the books her father was practically forced to read in order to become a competent mayor. It was the history of their world and its folklore that interested her. (Economics is booooooooooooring) They fueled her interest in the world that she inhabited. Among many other things, she would learn about the legend of the flower than bloomed in this forest. Quite frankly, she couldn’t find any reason to believe in this particular one. Would associating the blooming of this flower with a soulmate not automatically bias one to love this so-called soulmate? Weapon A double-edged longsword A large buckler of about 40 cm diameter (which is about the size of a small medium-sized shield) An anelace (double-edged long dagger) as a side arm which she can use instead of the shield or as a main weapon when disarmed. Skills: Unqiue -Athletics - Her overall high physical fitness results in her being capable in the areas that require it, such as fast running, climbing and swimming. -Quick reflexes -: Alert and capable to respond quickly to a variety of situations, proficient at evasion and nimble movements. Basic Conversational skills – She has learned proper manners, etiquette and keeping composure. She is proficient in socializing with and convincing people, especially in the upper part of society. Animal handling – Does well with animals and can win their trust quite easily. Has experience in horse riding (if we have no real life animals, insert a similar kind of riding animal there). Advanced knowledge of history and folklore - She has read many books detailing the history and folklore of the world. Other - Birthday: July 25th (Leo) - There may have been several occasions where she snuck out into the forest… resulting in a scolding by the ranger when he found her on patrol, followed by a scolding from her father.