[center][img]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/bdd20992/375c50447ca6ed1f9319cbe347efb226_zpstelzgbgw.jpg[/img] [hider=Intro (Click Me!)] There were no windows at all, no light from the sun to warm the chilled metal of the bleak and hollow corridor, plates of thick, military grade steel that housed within them a mass of wires and circuitry designed to counter any sort of surveillance from the outside world. While it was a cool seventy five degrees outside on this beautiful March afternoon, the halls were as cold as a morgue…and just as dead, save for the two men who stood at the door locked with a seven figure security code, both dressed in all black fatigues with no patches or insignias adorning them, no affiliations whatsoever, the same with their black kevlar helmets and modular plate carriers. The two stern looking, muscular men stood erect, each gripping in their leather gloved hands American made M4A1 assault rifles. At the other end of the corridor, there stood two elevator doors that soon opened with a light hiss of air, followed by the clacking of high heels across the barren steel floors. The person who had just left the elevator, a brunette woman around her mid to late thirties, walked briskly and with an authoritative fervor to her stride down the hall. She had on her typical shade of rose red lipstick along with just a hint of Jadore perfume, and just as typical, she wore her short sleeved white button blouse and black pencil skirt, along with her designer high heels and reader’s glasses. Behind the woman followed a man with buzz-cut slightly graying hair, a rather burly figure masked by his sharp navy blue jacket over a black and grey pinstripe shirt and matching black slacks. Both gave a curt nod to the guards, which they replied back with, one of them turning towards the keypad on the door and pressing in the cryptic set of numbers. Within seconds, there was a beep, a click, and then the swish of the door sliding open, revealing to them an even drearier room than the frigid corridor. She had finally arrived, Jocelyn Ambrose Valentine, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, along with her second in command, Special Agent Johnathan Starker. There they sat at a table, four women in uncomfortable metal chairs in the midst of a dark and empty space, their hands bound behind them with plastic zip ties cutting deep into their wrists, manacles constricting their ankles, and over their heads a black bag woven of thick cloth, so thick, not even the glow of the fluorescent bulbs outside could permeate the thick artificial darkness these four women were engulfed in. She nodded to the guards to remove the bags, and as they did, one by one the women made some sort of gasp for air or a jerking motion, a curse or two muttered under their breaths towards the guards. “Good afternoon, ladies.” Jocelyn spoke, her voice smooth, sultry almost, but still quite punctual and commanding of respect. “We apologize for the rough treatment, but given your current circumstances, you’re probably used to it by now. You’re all scum, terrorists, murderers, traitors, the lowest of the low, yet each and every one of you possess skills that have made you valuable to this agency. It is for this reason we extracted you from your respected prisons. In turn, you work for us now. Welcome to Task Force: Banshee.” Suddenly, the concrete wall behind her sprung to life with a blinding flash, upon it a computerized screen teeming with several satellite images of various locations, classified documents and photos, and a strange spinning logo, some sort of military insignia of two silver assault rifles crossed under the grinning skull of a woman, clenching in its teeth a Kabar knife. “You will be assembled together as an elite special operations group for the CIA, conducting missions around the world of the utmost secrecy. These missions will range from hostage rescue to assassination and even sabotage. Make no mistake, ladies, your skills will be put to the test, but what you possess now won’t be enough. You will need further training before I even consider sending you into the field. Once your training period is up, you will then be assigned to your first task. Until then, you will remain here in our top secret facility. My associate, Agent Starker, will show you to your living quarters, after you have undergone a mandatory psych evaluation. So girls, any questions?” “Hold up.” One of the women managed to speak, her voice hoarse. Jocelyn looked to the woman, noting of her toned, athletic build, but the most striking feature was not her muscular physique, nor the piercing ice blue eyes that glared at her intensely…but a scar, a jagged mark stretching from the woman’s cheek all the way to her forehead…cutting across her left eye. “Miss Hunter.” She whispered the name. Hunter replied, her glare sharpening along with the other women captive, “What’s in it for us?” “Simple.” Answered Jocelyn, speaking to all four. “You get your lives back, or rather, you get to start over anew. Your records have been erased. None of you even exist anymore….which also means…if you refuse to join Task Force: Banshee…then I’m afraid we’ll have to kill you.” “Heh…so we have no choice.” Evelyn huffed. “Fine. When do we start?” Jocelyn smirked, “Right….now!” [/hider] [/center] Welcome soldiers to Task Force: Banshee! Before we begin...you know the drill. [u]RULES[/u] [b]No Fighting in the War Room-[/b] No fighting in the OOC, no flame wars, no bitching, etc. Don't be a troll or I'll kick you out from under your bridge....and the RP as well. Civil arguments and discussions are welcomed, but if it gets out of hand, I will break it up. [b]Viewer Discretion is Advised-[/b] Since this is a military RP, expect tons of mature content (war ain't fluffy folks), however keep the adult stuff to at least a PG-13 level. Gore, drug usage and cussing like a sailor is cool with me, but as for sex, take it to the PMs if it gets past the necking phase. Also be considerately realistic. You're not going to rip out some dude's entrails with your bare hands....though Muffy's crazy enough to do that. *side eyes her* <.< [b]AWOL-[/b] Actually, if you have to be gone for a long amount of time, like more than a day or two, please let me know in advance. I understand life can be hectic for some and throw alot of curveballs time to time, and some of us have to deal with school, work, avoiding the landlord, washing the gimp, etc, so I will gladly stall the rp. However, if you do not tell me, I will have to instate the three strike law, meaning if you don't respond in three days, your character will be insta-killed....[b]and yes I'm a huge hyprocrite of this, so feel free to slap me![/b] [b]Intelligence-[/b] If you have any questions about the RP or you want to suggest something, feel free to ask either here or in the PMs. I'll do my best to answer it, and if I think your idea is a perfect addition the RP, you'll get the green light. -And the most important rule of all.......[s]Wear a condom[/s]....eh I mean....HAVE FUN!!!!!.....but seriously use some protection >.>; Anywho, with the rules out of the way, let's get to it! [u]CHARACTERS ([s]The Expendabelles[/s])[/u] [hider=Ev]**ACCESSING CIA DATABASE*** Name: Evelyn "Ev" Hunter Age: 29 Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Blue Weight: 157 lbs Height: 5'6'' Blood type: B+ DOB: March 15 Nationality: American Skills: Basic military marksmanship and hand to hand combat, excels in parkour/free-running, very athletic, has some skill in interrogation Psychology Report: "Nothing too abnormal. Despite her brash behavior, Evelyn seems to be a perfect candidate for team leader. She is level headed, yet she seems to be hiding something. I'm suspecting some form of post traumatic stress disorder, however her military records show no signs of her suffering from such. I will look into this further." [i]-Dr. Michael Winterbourne, CIA psychologist[/i] Prison extracted from: Leavenworth, United States Crime(s): Treason; Killing her commanding officer; Afghanistan, 2009; Says he deserved it. Bio: [/REDACTED] Position: Team leader/Rifleman[/hider] - Played by Me [hider=Muffy]***ACCESSING CIA DATABASE*** Name: Muriel "Muffy" Addington Age: 25 Hair: Blonde with black streaks Eyes: Hazel Weight: 149 lbs Height: 5'4'' Blood Type: AB- DOB: October 9 Nationality: Irish Skills: Expert in making/diffusing explosive ordinance, has some intermediate skills in hacking, good at throwing knives and hatchets Psychology Report: "I'm gonna be honest. Muffy scares me....ALOT. I only had her in my office for a few minutes and she was bouncing off the walls, describing how much she loved blowing things up. She's incredibly unpredictable and definitely insane. I'd rather this psychopath wrap her hands around the neck of a puppy dog than a detonator switch. Just make sure you keep an eye on her at all times. God knows what she'll end up doing if you give her too much leeway." [i]-Dr. Michael Winterbourne, CIA psychologist[/i] Prison extracted from: Portlaoise Prison, Ireland Crime(s): Terrorism; Bombing of Parliament; London, 2007; No reason, just thought it would be fun. Bio: [/REDACTED] Position: Grenadier/Explosives/Hacker[/hider] - Played by LizLegend [hider=Anna]***ACCESSING CIA DATABASE*** Name: Annastasia "Anna" Udinovich Age: 18 Hair: Red Eyes: Green Weight: 137 lbs Height: 5'0'' Blood Type: B- DOB: April 13 Nationality: Russian Skills: excels greatly in marksmanship and stealth, knows eight different languages despite not speaking any, extremely proficient in hand to hand combat, expert in torture Psychology Report: "I was impressed by her marksmanship skills. She could easily rival legendary sniper Carlos Hathcock. However, her psychological evaluation proved less to be desired. Anna was very cold and distant at first. It took me a while to get her to open up, but when I did finally...I wish I hadn't. She's had a very traumatic and twisted childhood, one of the reasons she's in this constant mute state of hers and has a deep mistrusting of others. I can't believe a girl this young had to go through so much horror. She also suffers from severe anxiety and depression, possibly suicidal. My recommendation is she does not go out into the field, but Miss Valentine will probably say otherwise." [i]-Dr. Michael Winterbourne, CIA psychologist[/i] Prison extracted from: Gulag 119, Siberia Crime(s): Murder; Assassination of President Vladimir Borshevsky; Moscow, 2012; Claims she didn't do it. Bio: [/REDACTED] Position: Sniper/Translator[/hider] - Played by Vortex [hider=Max]***ACCESSING CIA DATABASE*** Name: Maxine "Max" Calavera Age: 26 Hair: Black Eyes: Amber Weight: 152 lbs Height: 5'7'' Blood Type: A- DOB: January 6 Nationality: Hispanic Skills: Considerable skills in various firearms and close quarters combat, a licensed pilot of both planes and helicopters, proficient also in parkour/free-running Psychology Report: "Trying to evaluate Max was like trying to be friends with a grizzly bear. You can be sincere all you want, but in the end, she'll rip your face off. What I could discern though after security dragged her out of my office is Maxine is very competitive and doesn't like to be shown up by anyone. She always wants to be at the forefront and tries to assert her dominance over others. She craves absolute power and will stop at nothing to get it. Also, she has a deep seated hatred for Evelyn, apparently for her being appointed as team leader. My suggestion, make sure you keep those two separate. It will be like throwing a lit match into a barrel of gasoline if you team them up." [i]-Dr. Michael Winterbourne, CIA psychologist[/i] Prison extracted from: Centro Federal de Readaptación Social Número 1 "Altiplano", Mexico Crime(s): Murder; Drug Trafficking; Racketeering; Terrorism; Illegal Narcotic Possession; Kidnapping; Human Trafficking; Ties to a notorious Mexican drug cartel Bio: [/REDACTED] Position: Support Gunner/Pilot[/hider] - Played by Dark Light [u]FACILITY[/u] Before and in between missions, the women will be residing in the CIA's top secret facility, a sprawling subterranean bunker underneath the desert somewhere in Nevada. Each operative has their own sleeping quarters, complete with all the amenities of home including a private bathroom, small kitchen, television, etc. There are also other rooms in the bunker as well. [hider=CIA FACILITY] Sleeping Quarters [img]https://cdn0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/472/108/large/sam-brown-sleeping-quarters-finalupdate2.jpg?1443927377[/img] Bathroom [img]http://www.mathmorph.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Astounding-Futuristic-Bathroom-Ideas-With-white-bathtub-and-luxury-glass-shower-box.jpg[/img] Kitchen [img]http://casapitoulia.com/images/gallery/Modern-Kitchen-Design-For-Apartment-In-Photos-of-Futuristic.jpg[/img] Training Room/Gun Range [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/nikita2010/images/7/7c/Training.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20130324211833[/img] [img]http://silvereaglegroup.com/wp-content/themes/seg/img/seg-shooting-range.jpg[/img] Armory [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/24wikia/images/9/96/CTU_NY_Armory.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140204102337[/img] Briefing Room [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/members/3/2818/2817170/brieifing_room_wip4.jpg[/img] Control Room [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/88c1/f/2012/113/6/3/control_room_by_m3_f-d4xaiip.jpg[/img] Infirmary [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/firefly/images/9/96/Serenity_infirmary.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100929155719[/img] Interrogation Room [img]http://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/hUaHF4Sx3kTkDWsQdRFAPQ/o.jpg[/img] Torture/Execution Room [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/104/3/0/silent_hill_torture_room_by_parrafahell-d3e01li.jpg[/img][/hider] So with all that out of the way, let's get started! ^o^b EDIT: Oh yeah! Forgot to add, the RP will be starting AFTER all their training is done, that way we can just jump right into it without having to go through a bunch of filler.