[hider=Jedi Master Jiyan Krik] [b]Name:[/b] Jiyan Krik [b]Species:[/b] Ongree [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Jiyan Krik stands at 1.96 metres tall, around average for a member of the Ongree species. Unlike many of his kind, Jiyan's eye stalks are considerably shorter than usual, placing his eyes closer to his face than other Ongree. His eyes themselves are dark red. The mouth in the middle of Jiyan's head is small compared to many of his species. A long 'beard' of tentacles falls from his chin and just over his chest. Jiyan Krik's skin is darker than the typical yellow of his species, resembling a more brown shade. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c7/Ongree_NEGAS.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/400?cb=20100627170639[/img] [b]Rank:[/b] Jedi Master [b]Personality:[/b] Jedi Master Jiyan Krik is far from a typical Jedi Master. Unconventional in his approach, some may liken his demeanor to that of the bullish and aggressive Jedi Master Mace Windu. A fierce warrior of the Force, Jiyan Krik is never reluctant to discard the diplomatic route to a resolution. Unlike many of his species, Jiyan Krik rarely favors diplomacy. Through relentless research of the Jedi Archives, Master Jiyan Krik has developed into a skilled General, and his range of tactics and strategies couples perfectly with the breadth of resources made available to him by the Clone forces at his disposal to turn the 417th Legion into a formidable force. Nevertheless, Jiyan Krik's headstrong approach to combat is not to be confused as anger and stupidity. Master Jiyan Krik is as wise and knowledgeable as any, and as such has spent some years of his time as a Master before his command training the next generation of Jedi. A compassionate and focused Jedi, Jiyan Krik has devoted his life to the Force from a young age, and is completely in tune with it as it flows all around him. He meditates frequently, tuning into the Force on a regular basis to seek guidance and sanctuary from the brutal bloodshed that has befallen the galaxy. While by no means his favored course of action, Master Jiyan Krik still does to some degree express the measured, calculated trait of his species that turns them into shrewd diplomats and negotiators. Diplomacy is definitely not a strong point, but Jiyan Krik is still capable of negotiating if needed. In terms of his relations with other Jedi Masters, Jiyan Krik has several close friends among the Order. Fellow Ongree Masters Pablo Jill and Coleman Kjac are two of his closest, along with masters Mace Windu and, until his recent tragic death at the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis, Vurk Jedi Master Coleman Trebor. Master Jiyan Krik does not, however, sit on any of the Jedi Councils, and has no intention of doing so, aiming to resume his duties as a teacher when the Clone Wars finally reach their end. [b]Abilities:[/b] Jedi Master Jiyan Krik is skilled both with the Force and with his lightsaber. While adept at all Forms of lightsaber combat, Jiyan Krik's most commonly used forms are Form I, V and VII. The physiology of the Ongree species is somewhat clumsy, with their hunched posture reducing speed and agility, lack of fingers leading to lack of dexterity and increased muscle mass making them strong but heavy, making forms like Form II impractical for an Ongree Jedi Master. Therefore, Jiyan Krik's strengths lend themselves more towards a hard-hitting combat style. With a lack of saber combat forms available to Jiyan Krik, his combat style has developed a heavy focus on Force powers. As is often the case with Jedi Masters, Jiyan Krik has mastered basic force techniques like telekinesis, allowing him to hurl opponents around with ease. Mind tricks are another technique that Jiyan Krik has mastered. Force jump is one ability that Jiyan Krik does not particularly favor, although he can of course perform this power. Through frequent meditation, Jiyan Krik stays in tune with the Force, and has recently began to attempt mastery of Force Visions. Dangerous but powerful, mastery of Visions has thus far eluded him. While by no means one of the best pilots among the Jedi, Jiyan Krik is a proficient fighter pilot. He has his own Jedi starfighter and his own astromech droid, R3-C8 [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/85/SaeseeTiin's_Delta7B-CR.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110925031504[/img] Jedi Master Jiyan Krik's starfighter [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/swfanon/images/9/98/R3-S2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140528162919[/img] R3-C8 [img]http://jasonpatz.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/beautysmall.jpg[/img] Jedi Master Jiyan Krik's lightsaber, blue in coloration [b]Bio:[/b] Born and raised on the ocean-covered planet of Skustell, Jiyan Krik was discovered to be Force-sensitive at the age of six by his parents, and was turned over to the Jedi Order at the age of seven to begin his training as a Jedi Initiate. Early on in his studies Jiyan Krik demonstrated an innate natural affinity with the Force, showing clear competency with saber combat and a deep-rooted understanding of the Jedi Code. Completing his training aged 11, Jiyan Krik graduated from the Jedi Temple Academy on Coruscant and was selected for training as Padawan to a Selkath Jedi Master named Orcar Meq. Master Orcar Meq and his Padawan Jiyan Krik spent most of the next eight years acting as peacekeepers and mediators between the Quarren and Mon-Calamari on the planet Dac. A combination of rigorous training, study and fieldwork saw Jiyan Krik complete his training at the age of 18, passing his Trails of Knighthood and being granted the rank of Jedi Knight by the Jedi High Council. It was from this point that Jiyan Krik fell under the watchful eye of Master Windu, allowing Jiyan Krik to earn the trust of the Jedi Master and develop a strong relationship. It was from Master Windu that Jiyan Krik inadvertently inherited many of the traits that turned him into an effective Jedi General. Jiyan Krik's service to the Order continued when, at the age of 21, he was offered the opportunity to take a Padawan under his wing and teach them all he knew of the Force. At selection, Jiyan Krik was met with a somewhat familiar face. A young Tinnell Jedi, named Vail Lencer, stood amongst the ranks of newly graduated Initiates. Vail had been at the academy from a young age, and Jiyan had come accross him more times than he could count in the Jedi Archives. Jiyan Krik had taken a shining to the youngster from the beginning, admiring the sharp wits and fiery spirit that lay hidden beneath the calm and quiet surface. The two had become reasonably well-acquainted, as Jiyan taught the Tinnell youngster how to read and write. They were both different. When given the choice, it was clear the Vail Lencer would be his Padawan. Jiyan Krik's service to the Republic and the Order eventually earned him the rank of Jedi Master at the age of 30. In the same year, Vail finished his training and successfully completed his Trial of Knighthood, earning himself the rank of Jedi Knight. Now a Jedi Master, and among the highest ranking Jedi of the Order, Jiyan was free to take up another apprentice, as was Vail. Jiyan did not do so immediately, however. Following years of tension between the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, the conflict came to a head on Geonosis with the capture of Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala. Under the leadership of Master of the Order Mace Windu, Master Jiyan Krik was part of the strike team that landed around the Petranaki arena on an extraction mission. Storming the arena, Jiyan Krik fought along his brother and sister Jedi, including fellow Ongree Jedi Pablo-Jill and Coleman Kjac, cutting down countless battle droids. Surviving the conflict, Jiyan Krik returned to the Jedi Temple and accepted the rank of General within the newly created Grand Army of the Republic. Jedi Master Jiyan Krik was appointed as General of the 417th Legion, with his former Padawan Vail Lencer as his second in command. [/hider]