[hider=Enter The Water Dragon] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZRfu8aR2KY[/youtube] [/hider] [b]EAST RAGE DISTRICT, OUTSIDE THE STONE GYM, 8:53PM[/b] The streets were dark and gloomy, this part of town would usually be populated by crackheads, the homeless and cockroaches, and In East Rage district, those three weren't mutually exclusive. But tonight they weren't around, they cleared out, they were [i]scared.[/i] There was a dangerous presence here, a confrontation. 4 men from the viciously notorious [color=0054a6][b]Water Dragon Triads[/b][/color]. They had confronted a very dangerous street fighter who had just shown up to the Stone Gym, he was invited by Missy Stone from jail, but they were not about to let him. [hider=Water Dragon Lesser Captain : Xao] [img]http://i1128.photobucket.com/albums/m486/charmingtang2010/Mens%20jacket/cf63243a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i][b]Mr Chambers[/b], the Water Dragon has no current issues with you, but I'm afraid you wont be able to use this Gym, you know that the triads control the flow of dope through this district and our 'customers' need [b]Somewhere to shoot up.[/b]I understand that some other random vigilantes are supposed to be meeting here, I'm not sure what this is all about but Lesser Captain Chi is in the same prison as Ms Stone and has informed us. Now you will have to leave the district, your kind isnt welcome here Mr Chambers, this is a Triad district. [/i] The calm but visibly sadistic captain smirked slowly, as he turned around to see his 3 henchmen soldiers all pull out a weapon each, Nunchucks, Butterfuly Knives and a wooden training sword. He turned back to [b]Dante Chambers[/b] and folded his arms in smug contempt. [i]So Mr Chambers, are you going to heed our gracious warning or are me and the Water Boys going to have to FUCK YOUR SHIT UP?[/i]