[quote=@Mugin] [color=39b54a][h3]| Identity |[/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]J'onn J'onzz/ Martian Manhunter[/color] [/quote] I need to PM you about one thing in your CS, but other than that you're approved [quote=@Natty] [color=royalBlue][b]| Identity |[/b][/color] Harper Isabella Row AKA Bluebird [/quote] Approved. [quote=@Byrd Man] [b]| Identity |[/b] Commander Rick Flag [/quote] Approved. [quote=@Dedonus] [color=FFD700]| Identity |[/color] Laurel “Laurie Jupiter” Juspeczyk / Silk Spectre [/quote] So I like your sheet...but I just can't allow the Watchmen characters into the the game. If I let one in, I have to let them all in, and Watchmen just doesn't work outside of its own universe, IMO. Sorry. Grundy and Speedy are also approved as long as Byrd has no issues with Speedy. And I guess I'm approving myself for Batman.