Xao laughed under his breath, he heard all the stories about Dante Chambers, he knew this man was essentially fearless and there was no way he was going to back down, offering him a chance to walk away was a formality, Xao WANTED a fight. His mind went calm as he watched the position of Dante's stance as he took a small angle as he was 'turning away'. And then thats when it came, a roaring right hand straight punch aimed straight for the Triad's chin. Xao expected it and raised his forearm to block [i]How fucking stupid do you think I am Mr Chambers?, Okay Waterboys, lets skin this Idiot alive and the we can...AHHH[/i] [b]Crrrrunchhh![/b] Xao blocked the attack succesfully but his forearm didnt like the punch at all, Dante threw the punch with an impact of a sledge hammer and it slammed into Xao's arm painfully as he absorbed the shot! [i]Ahhh you fuck, youre DEAD![/i] And with that threat the first henchman approached Dante like a gust of wind, snapping a low kick aimed at his right knee which made a sound like a whip as it impacted hard, and then Xao who was still reeling in pain, shot out a lighting fast palm thrust, striking Dante Square in the chest and knocking him back a few inches. The other 2 henchman had already circled behind Dante, each getting ready to attack with vicious round house kicks to Dante's blindside. [i]What? you expected a fair fight Mr Chambers? these are the [b]Streets Of Rage[/b] or did your dumbass forget?![/i]