Designation: 2nd Regiment, 99th Storm Battalion Structure: Infantry Battalion 2nd 417th Infantry Regiment. 64 squads, 16 platoons, 4 companies. Specialty: Front line highly-specialised support infantry battalion. Trained for shock tactics in stalemates or for a decisive victory in a key location, the 99th are called when mass numbers of the toughest, most vicious soldiers are required. Commander: Commander Spook [hider=Commander Spook] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CC 74/819 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Spook, a remnant from his days in the 99th Storm Battalion. They were often called Spectres because they would appear from nowhere before the practising enemy soldiers (read: the lesser, poorer trained battalions) and they’d be the last thing they would witness before welcoming them to the afterlife (read: the dead zone). [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Regimental Commander of the 1st [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Has a large chest tattoo that reaches up above his collar line. The tattoo is of an army of ghosts in combat armour marching forward, and the words ‘Beyond Death/ Eternity at Attack’ inked below as it was the motto of his battalion. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Spook is a clone of military ingenuity, where soldiers and war make sense to him. People and diplomacy do not, but his respect of the hierarchy restricts him from going AWOL with an entire regiment. His battle plans are always a harmonious balance between a swift and ruthless victory, and the protection of his men’s lives. Despite his shortcomings with humanity though, Spook knows morale. He understands that to keep his soldiers fighting fit and eager to defend his friend with his life, they must grow a bond with each other in combat and comfort. Therefore he develops gruelling but well-engineered training regimes to turn them into walking weapons, and when they’re done he supplies them with luxuries of food, the finest beds, activities and recreational equipment to cement the bond that had developed in action with the casing of personability. Spook knows that you wouldn’t die for a brick wall, but a friend? Surely so. [color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Major Angel] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CC 42/7725 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Angel [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Battalion Commander [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] A thick, deep scar circling around his head from a time when he was younger and a lot of friends and he would go adventuring among the hulking exhibits of war machinery. He had been watching an engineer being trained when he stepped forward to observe closer, but slipped on an oil stain. At that, Angel tumbled into the machinery and his head became stuck between two moving parts, dragging him along the rough ground. The remaining wounds resembled those of the halo and wings of an angel, and many of the clones joked that he had deceived the Angel of Death. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Angel is a dry but generally friendly and helpful man. He treats his men like they are students and he is a teacher so that they do not fear him but respect and listen to him. Not as well-versed in tactics as Spook, but Angel is the superior soldier in every regard, and while Spook has the respect and admiration of everyone under and above his command, Angel has the loyalty. A soldier might have his best friend who he would guard with everything he has, but everyone has Angel to guard and thank for the lives he has granted them with his abilities, leadership, and training. [color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color] [img][/img][/hider] Other Personnel [hider=Sergeant Whiplash] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 80-567 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Whiplash, as he likes to joke that if his round didn’t kill the enemy, he’d at least give them a bad case of whiplash. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Sergeant [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] A sniper scope view (crosshair in a circle) tattooed around his right eye. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Darkly humorous and a real tendency to work by himself. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Sniper [/hider] [hider=Corporal Doc] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 40-911 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Doc. Once, early in his military career, he remarked that everyone had a nickname and he was just ‘doc’. Everyone else responded that was because he was just a damned doctor. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Corporal [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] A tick that forces him to jerk his head to the side developed from shrapnel that tore some nerves in his neck leaving an impressive scar to boot. Doctor treated himself and re-joined in the simulation battle some minutes later. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Neurotic to the point where any sane person who didn’t know him would think he was hopped up on narcotics, but anyone who has worked with him knows he is one of the best medics in the regiment. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Medic [/hider] [hider=Trooper Bomb-Blast] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 99-0053 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Bomb-Blast, simply because no-one does explosions like CC 99-0053. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Trooper [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Burn scars over his hands, neck and the lower half of his head from a chemical mixture that prematurely detonated. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] For a man in the business of creating high-energy weapons, Bomb-Blast is surprisingly demure. A soft spoken man with not much to say, he prefers to express himself with grenades and detonation packs. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Demolitions Expert [/hider] [hider= Sergeant-Major Legs] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 62-880 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Legs. In training, the soldiers were particularly disruptive one day so Angel ordered the entire platoon to get running and not stop until every one of them had fallen to a blubbering mess because no-one had time to deal with untrained and unruly soldiers. Legs continued running for four hours, much to the dismay of everyone else. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Sergeant Major [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Three tattooed lines starting above his left eye and curving down to stop evenly at his cheekbone. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Nothing special about Legs. He’s not over-whelmingly funny, nor typically lonely, nor aggressive. Legs is just a good guy who enjoys helping his friends. Although he’s almost too boring for the rest of the soldiers sometimes. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Soldier [/hider] [hider=Trooper Blowhole] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 67-2261 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Blowhole. When CT 67-2261 gets angry, which is always, he makes a puckered O-shape with his mouth and breathes heavily through it, throwing spittle in every direction. When the battalion was younger and still in education, they had noticed that a whales blowhole looked a lot like the face that Blowhole did, and thus was christened. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Trooper [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] A Mohawk tipped with white. No-one understands the choice, but it’s there. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Permanently angry, snippet, and quick and consistent with the pointed remarks. Does not get along well at all with the other engineer, Sniffles. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Engineer [/hider] [hider= Sergeant Squeal] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 88-020 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Squeal. After a particularly rigorous training session, the soldiers slumped their way to the dorms. Each of the clones slipped into their beds quietly and quickly, but CT 88-020 fell onto his and the origins of the noise that came from him are still disputed. Some say the squeak came from the bed frames under the heavy man’s weight. Other say his back fat had trapped air and that it was the air that escaping that made the sound. But most will argue that it was the Sergeant himself who squealed with glee when he finally reached his duvet. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Sergeant [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] A larger man than most with an enormous shaggy beard to boot, but no hair above his moustache. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Quiet timid and would rather no-one’s feelings got too bashed, but a nice man that everyone held dear as an important glue within the battalion, and was therefore highly respected by many of the soldiers. The hearty laugh was one that could brighten any war zone. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Officer [/hider] [hider= Trooper Sniffles] [color=0072bc]Number:[/color] CT 10-4444 [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] Sniffles, because he permanently has the cold. You know when Sniffles is around because the grating noise impacts your ear like a blaster. [color=0072bc]Rank:[/color] Trooper [color=0072bc]Distinguishing Features:[/color] The eternally snotty nose and rheumy eyes. He once got a tattoo of three teardrops from his left eye, to parody his condition, but it was not met with laughter or kindness, but soft sighs of disgust and contempt. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Soft spoken and always muffled, like his cold was a pillow over his mouth. Is always moping around and many of the soldiers find him reasonably pathetic or just plain irritating. [color=0072bc]Role:[/color] Engineer [/hider]