[center][img]http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i452/Hillanx/Redhoodlogo_zps988d8b1e.png[/img][/center] [color=Salmon][center][i]Birth, life, death. That's the cycle of things, that's the way it's meant to be. But not for me.[/i][/center][/color] [color=Red]| Identity |[/color] [color=Salmon][url=http://i.imgur.com/KP5EX3o.jpg]Jason Peter Todd[/url] [i][s]Robin[/s][/i] [b][i]Red Hood[/i][/b][/color] [color=Red]| Origin & Backstory |[/color] [color=Salmon] Jason was born into the slums of Gotham, his mother a drug addict and his father a thug who worked for the criminal overlords of the city. His childhood was spent committing petty theft and running away from the cops and older kids alike. In his tween years, his mother died of a overdose and his father was sentenced to prison for murder, leaving the boy to fend for himself. He learned how to fight and how to provide for himself, staying alive thanks to his wit, instincts and his switchblade. Things changed for the young boy when he was 13 years old, coming across the Dark Knight Of Gotham. Being caught by The Batman in the middle of stealing the tires from the Batmobile, scared out of his mind by the Caped Crusader. He was put into a boarding school in Metropolis by a unknown benefactor, whom looked to 'take youths of the streets of Gotham'. Stopping a student whom had his own drug-operation at the school, Jason got into a bad fight and was kicked out of the school - soon finding out that his benefactor had been multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne. In the following year, Bruce offically took Jason in and showed him everything there was to know, Jason was already a accomplished fighter and free-runner, thus his training was focused on control and practice of form. How to control and channel his anger, use his rage and turn it into swift fury. He took the mantle as Robin, and the Dynamic Duo was back. The return of the Dynamic Duo was short lived, within half a year tragedy struck the Batfamily, first by the paralyzation of Batgirl - Barbara Gordon at the hands of the Joker, and following a lead about his mother's death, Jason and Bruce found their way to the east. Where Jason walked into a trap that lead to his capture. A cruel beating at the hands of the Joker, followed by a high explosive bomb right next to him. His last thoughts before it went black was a plead for Bruce to avenge him. So it should have been. For Jason's corpse had been abducted from the morgue, and brought to Nanda Parbat, where at the behest of Talia Al'Ghul, the daughter of the Demon, the boywonder was brought back to life, using the powers of the Lazarus Pit. His mind in shambles, Talia pleaded with the mystical organization known as the All-Castle, to take in the boy and train him. Ducra, the spiritual leader of the All Caste agreed, and in the following year, Jason would be mentally pieced together, and physically trained by the All Castle. Now, he's a young man with a lease on life, a new chance. But a old fury burning in his soul. [/color] [color=Red]| Attributes |[/color] [color=Salmon] Peak Human Condition: Jason boasts the peak physical and mental conditions for a young man of his age, as such his strength, speed, dexterity and reflexes are all at the top of the charts. Thanks to his dip in the Lazarus Pit, Jason boasts enhanced healing factor and increased resistance to toxins and poisons, as well as a increased immunity system. Hand-To-Hand Combat: At 13 years old, without any formal training, Jason was a skilled enough street fighter to take down foes much stronger than him using only his natural aptitude for combat. Since then, he's been trained by the Batman, Talia Al' Ghul and The All Caste, making him able to hold his own even against the greatest martial artists on the planet. Melee Combat: While his melee weapon of choice is his 7 inch titanium combat knife, gifted to him by Talia. He is skilled with a large variety of weapons, and is known to turn his environment into a weapon. Marksmanship: Far from a master sharpshooter, but still skilled with guns in most varieties. His dual .40 Caliber Handguns are his go-to weapon, he's capable of being a skilled sniper and can easily use a assault rifle. Free Running: Naturally agile, he's a well trained gymnast, allowing him a agile fighting style and excellent parkour skills making him incredibly fast, both in and out of combat. [/color] [color=Red]| Character Notes |[/color] [color=Salmon] Allies: The All-Caste; A mystical organization focusing on personal enlightenment and the betterment of all through mystic means. They took Jason in and through meditation and rigerous training pieced his mind back together after his resurrection. Jason's relationship to the All Caste is strained after him leaving once his training was complete, instead of letting them lead him to the path of enlightenment. Talia Al Ghul; One who saved Jason's life in the hopes that bringing his lost friend back would put her in favor with Bruce Wayne. Enemies: The Joker; Duh. The Untitled; The Anti-Matter of the All Caste. Ra's al Ghul; Constantly tests Jason's capacity as a warrior and thinker. The Hong Kong Sui-Wei Triads; Chinese Triad Jason's in the process of dismantling. Two-Face; Two-Face was the man who employed his father and set him up, leading to him going to jail. Bane; Jason's crossed paths with Bane's employees, shipping Venom across the globe. [/color] [color=Red]| Character Goals |[/color] [color=Salmon]I want to write a younger, confused, 'trying to find his place in the world'- Jason Todd. A Coming Of Age-story for The Red Hood where the goal is for him to tread the waters of all the chaos within him. Is he a hero? Is he a villain? Is he something in between? Will he be neither? My goal is to explore possibilities the comics never did take with the underrepresented Robin. [/color] [color=Red]| Sample Post |[/color] [color=Salmon]Work in progress.[/color]