Sierra continued along the tunnel, following on with the... Rather eccentric woman and the two sisters. When Mei turned and put on a rather terrifying show, she couldn't help but laugh at how rediculous some members of the populous truly were. When the laser trap suddenly activated, however, she was greeted with a forbidding and truly frightening reality. She had forgotten for a while now, but she remembered that they were in fact infiltrating the Imperators own residence. Her eyes widened at the sudden realisation, and she sucked quite suddenly as a laser shot straight above her head from the refractive beads. When the trap deactivated, Sierra's heart was pounding. She had never been good with stressful situations, and that went double for ones where her life was in danger. They continued walking, and a strange old man appeared from the hall, talking about rats of some kind. Then he fired a series of magic blasts directed squarely at their hearts. That was, by far, the thing she needed to allow direct combat. She sidestepped the beam and grabbed the watch that dangled from a chain on her pocket. Then she did something completely unnatural, that if anybody who didn't know what it was saw it, they would be dumbfounded. Then, she moved the thumb away as all the buttons she pressed lit up in the exact order she pressed, only to all converge it the centre. She moved her left hand over the top of it and seemingly grabbed something straight from the air just above the watch. [b]"Renal Ich Zen Fulloken"[/b] she chanted, the watch suddenly glowing white and vanishing from her hand. Then it appeared again, this time dangling from a chain on her left side, hanging from her front jacket pocket. In her right hand a great white light formed, melding into the shape of a katana. As it formed, it spread out from her hand and gained colour; a dull, shineless grey. Then she spoke, but this time instead of her normal, light and slightly nerdy voice, came a hard, yet still light, dark tone reflective of her weapon. [b]"You know somethings are best left forgotten. Just like your body will be after I'm finished FLAYING YOU!"[/b] she yelled, directly at the man and beyond; to the Imperator herself.