[@HaleyTheRandom][@MissCapnCrunch] Right when he was about to kick the door in when Gina moved, he halted himself and turned to face Viv when she challenged his claim and to make it worse, Gina joined her to tease him. As arrogant as Titus was, he was going to prove he could kick the door in to shut both of these girls up. He spoke up [color=ed1c24]I bet I can prove your ass wrong Viv...and Gina don't you start either because I'll kick this shit down. I know I can knock it down and to prove it, in fact, when I kick this door down....both of you chicks will be kissing me. That's the bet![/color] Titus turned towards the door to give it two frontal kicks that caused a little cracking but was still closed. Titus was attempting a third kick, hitting it again but this time with more force.