[center][img]http://www.quizz.biz/uploads/quizz/903073/27_7WU4d.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]| Identity |[/color] Captain Atom/Nathaniel Adam [color=ed1c24]| Origin & Backstory |[/color] Include proper historical background that doesn't contradict setting or pre-approved CSs. Given the nature of the game, if you are playing a really established hero (such as Wonder Woman) who has been around for sometime please detail it consistently. Bolding or coloring these points such as years detailed are a good start. [color=ed1c24]| Attributes |[/color] [b]Invincibility:[/b] Captain Atom is extremely durable and can survive even the most harmful conditions without injury. His lack of a normal human physiology mean that he can survive on space, requires no food, water or sleep. The Dilustel metal that makes up Nathaniel's "skin" is a living organism that has attached itself to Captain Atom, and constantly feeds off his nigh-endless pool of energy to survive. In turn, the organism protects Captain Atom from all harm. If the Dilustel were to be too severely damaged, the resulting release of energy would cause an explosion of cataclysmic size. [b]Quantum Field Manipulation:[/b] Nathaniel possesses the ability to control and manipulate quantum fields. This ability allows him to transmute organic and inorganic matter, manipulate energy to his will, and is the source for his many other powers. His power's potential is only limited due to Nathaniel's strict morals, knowledge of Quantum Fields and the high sciences in general as well as his imagination. By the same token, Captain Atom's body is susceptible to manipulation using these same Quantum Fields. A scientist of significant pedigree could find a way to turn Nathaniel Adam into an unwilling weapon of mass destruction. [b]Energy Manipulation:[/b] Captain Atom is being made of energy, encased in living metal. He is able to expel that energy in various ways, including but not limited to: heat vision, ranged energy attacks, enhanced physical strength, flight, transmutation of energy into matter, force field generation, invisibility, phasing through solid objects, and what could be considered warping reality as we know it. [color=ed1c24]| Character Notes |[/color] Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you call home? Notable NPCs? Basically this is for people who want their application to be more of a compendium for their NPCs, Locations, and Rogues specific to this new continuity. Optional. [color=ed1c24]| Character Goals |[/color] Give me an idea on what you plan on doing with the character in the game. [color=ed1c24]| Sample Post |[/color] Please post a sample post. It does not have to be overly long, I just want an example of your writing.