[center][h1][color=ed145b]Fei[/color][/h1][/center] Despite the current chaos taking place within the Infinitum, Fei marched toward her the academy without looking back. Plans, supplies, tactics filled her mind. Finding at least one of the seven relics would be challenging and required serious thought. Fei knew she was more than capable enough to take on such a journey but nothing was going to stop her from making sure it went perfectly. This would be her moment of glory and if anyone tried to get in her way, Fei wouldn’t hold back. As soon as the tips of the academy came into view, Fei took off sprinting. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her, feel her hands yearning to grasp the edge of her swords. When training, Fei finally felt at peace with herself. She felt like her mother. Zooming past the dorms and the classrooms, Fei made her way to the school gym. Most students would still be out in the carnival wasting their coin and precious time over meaningless games. Fei could never fully understand how someone could waste their life away, moping around and complaining about their life. It was a disgrace to their entire society! Fei huffed in annoyance. The clatter of metal echoed throughout the room as Fei pulled out both of her maroon swords. Positioning herself in a fighting stance, Fei danced. Dummy after dummy, her swords seemed to have a mind of their own. Being a double wielder required power and speed, something Fei had practically mastered. All of her energy was focused on the targets, each target down meant one step closer to her goal. This would be her moment, Fei was sure of it.