[quote=@Lmpkio] Anyways: [@Vortenx] Ummmmm... hi there. Just reviewed your character and uh... Idk what to say about your character. Its confusing, mangled everywhere, and... unfairly/disgustingly OP. I mean, sure there are some characters here with abnormal speed and fair regenerative powers, but whats a human philosopher stone? Whats with the soul count? What does he look like? Change anything he wants with a touch? That sounds pretty OP. Virtually immortal cause of the power of 2 reality gems? What gems??? And salt water as a weakness? What and why is that a thing? And tons and tons of other confusing and OP powers. Might I mention the history is very... short and... crappy? So overall, this character is just... crap. Sorry to say it man. You need to redo everything to make him be a proper and fair character. [/quote] You dont watch a lot of anime then do you? My character is a mix of a bunch of different anime characters and other things like comics.