Kai put up his fists, ready to block the oncoming attacks, using his forearms to take on the brunt of the nunchucku. It was fortunate that Kai was wearing his plates, otherwise that two pronged attack would have hurt a LOT more than it did, still, if he took more hits like that, he wouldn't last much longer. If this guy wanted to see some martial arts, then Kai would happily oblige. With a smirk, Kai pushed the henchman away with a palm strike, using that momentum to roll backwards a bit too on the skates. Kai charged forward with the added distance to put some extra power behind the oncoming sidekick. Kai raised his left leg up, slicing through the air, trying to use the extra inch of wheels to hit the goon with. After completing the kick, Kai used the spinning motion to follow up with a right roundhouse kick, also aimed to the head. Hopefully, these kicks would be enough to send the guy reeling, but instead of hoping, Kai planted his feet down and pushed forward to keep in the inside of the fight. Kai went for a left cross, going diagonally downwards across the body. A three attack combo should have been enough. He hoped it was enough, there was still two more to fight. It was then that a third contestant arrived at the scene, presumably heading for the gym. It was fortunate that he had confirmed Kai's suspicions, another fighter should even the odds. "Hey! Us too! These guys are blocking the way!" Kai called out, trying to wave him over. Stupidly, Kai had naively left himself blindly open as he tried to persuade the suited man.