[quote=@Claw2k11] After hearing rest, the high elf collapsed on the ground. Creating so many shields for everyone drained him, even if he was a high elf, facing against a archangel's attacks is nothing if almost impossible to block against. "I'm sorry, milady, but I'm drained of energy, I can't even stand anymore..." Everyone else was tired, but nothing they couldn't handle, the orc and the gnoll went hunting briefly, finding a large elk roaming the areas while the rest made a fire and rested around it. The high elf had fallen asleep minutes after he had spoken. Even if they were the best the Human Kingdom had to offer, it doesn't mean they weren't affected by exhaustion, hunger or anything like that. [/quote] Maryvale began organizing sleep schedules for everyone but the elf and Anna... if that was her name, which was already making a number of things confusing. Maryvale herself wasn't all that affected by exhaustion. Although it didn't heal her stamina, the fact that she didn't need to waste energy on healing her physical state was certainly a plus for her. As a result, she also got less tired, and as such put her own night shift down for the longest time, during the middle of the night. Feeling inquisitive, she calls the rookie over for some information. Once there, she tells him to take a seat with her, not accepting him to stand, short of a broken tail bone. Then, she tells him what she wants. "I'd like you to get to know Anna -- the child, whatever her name is -- a little better. She seems to trust you the most and I feel if I questioned her I'd scare her half to death. Also, I don't want..." She mutters something under her breath, in a voice so quiet it's barely audible save for the word "cry", but she immediately shakes her head. "Never mind. Just get to know her more, and give her a sense of security. Something tells me she may be more useful than she looks. When it's lights out for everyone, give me a report on what you've learned. Any questions?"