I'd like to first apologize for being the worlds shittiest GM. I've seriously been neglecting not only this rp but all my rps. I tend to hit dry spells where I simply don't feel like posting, a terrible thing for a GM to do. [b]I'm really sorry.[/b] [i] As long as I still have rpers I'll always come back to this and put life back into it.[/i] However, I realize that not everyone is okay with waiting around forever. So I'd like to hear from everyone to know whether or not they are still in the rp. If you want to quit that's fine, I can't blame you. Anyways, [b]post or PM me to let me know if you are in or out either way. [/b] [@omerta][@FullMetalHeart][@Remipa Awesome][@SashaWindrider][@Negativeapex][@SolemnStories][@Demon Grave][@boomlover][@Rekaigan][@AcerRo]