The military issue gray rain coat fluttered in the wind as she hurried towards the gym, an excited grin already spreading across her face as she got closer and closer in excitement of meeting her rival once again! Though she was sure it was not to be in person she was at least interested in what the girl had to say, after all it may even lead to her freedom and in turn to their final battle! She had not been within this city for a few years now, not since those fools hired her to defend their worthless asses against Missy. She had failed and in turn one of them was killed in the ensuing battle. Some times the solider wondered what would have come of this city if she had stopped Missy, or at least hurt her enough to think twice of killing... It was not her place to worry about such things, she couldn't think about such things but even so here she was at her rivals request in this god forsaken city to take up arms to correct her mistake. An angel within a city of devils. [color=6ecff6][b]"Heh... An angel without their wings as they say."[/b][/color] Val's downcast glare was suddenly drawn to the sounds of battle that she was getting closer too, and once again her grin returned to her face! Picking up the pace once again her jackboots slamming into the concrete below as she cared not for stealth or silence within this city, the sounds of the fight would easily cover up her approach. A few moments and she had arrived, the sight of the street brawl was a nice once but it seemed one side was becoming more and more outmatched by the moment, a foolish battle to try and join in on and one that would not give her any sort of satisfaction. She would remain there, cloaked in darkness and review the other fighters, after all this way she would have an advantage on them. She did not even flinch when one of the henchmen slammed into a dumpster next to her, she had to wonder if that was all he had or if he would rejoin the fight, despite them looking like common mooks they were keeping their own rather well after all.