[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/k4lErBK.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b][center][color=darkslategray]"It only takes one, you know? All it takes is one."[/color][/center][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [color=darkslategray][b]Varen Payle[/b][/color] [b]Age:[/b] 16 (First year) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Faunus: Snake sub-species (she may not look like it, but I'll get to that) [b]Appearance:[/b] Normally she'll dress warmly but [i]if[/i] she doesn't people tend to notice she becomes considerably pale. This is because her Snake Faunus heritage manifests primarily in her blood, namely it's a lot colder than normal blood, but not enough to kill her if she can't be warm. She also used to have snake-like eyes when she was younger but for some reason they clouded over as she grew up. If you look closely you can see her pupils are still snake-like but her irises are just black. She also does actually have a forked tongue and she can use it to smell, like snakes do. But she has a functioning nose so it's not like she'll pull out her tongue much. When she's dressed for battle she'll wear a tight-fitting military jacket and a skirt, and she wears her scarf and stockings with every outfit. She also has sound cancelling headphones and she doesn't wear armor because it would limit her movements more than they already are by her weapons. She would usually avoid wearing her battle stuff if possible because it's not as warm as whatever else she could be wearing really. She stands at an average 5' 7" and she's about average in weight as well. [b]Weapon 1 Name:[/b] [b][color=darkslategray]"What are you supposed to call something that's basically a gun in a gun?[/color] The Uber Gun?[color=darkslategray] I mean, I guess so…"[/color][/b] [u]Type:[/u] Ranged, semi-transforming, dust [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u] Sniper rifle, assault rifle, shotgun [u]Functions:[/u] The Uber Gun looks like a standard-ish black assault rifle and for the most part it is one. It takes dust as it's ammunition and has a moderate rate of fire, with enough stopping power to take down small Grimm in a few shots. However, the real value of the Uber Gun comes with its barrel. The barrel expands and contracts depending on which attachments are put on it and the bullets it fires are modified accordingly. Varen carries all of the attachments with her, which are as follows: A long barrel and a zoom scope, a custom comfort grip, and several silencers of varying sizes. Attaching the long barrel will modify the Uber Gun to shoot higher calibre rounds, and attaching the comfort grip will modify it to shoot buckshot. In addition, the Uber Gun can be set to automatic fire, burst fire and semi-auto fire, but this is not limited to any specific mode. If Varen feels like breaking her arms she'll put the Uber Gun into automatic and attach the grip. If she feels like double tap won't be enough, she can put it into burst fire and attach the long barrel. Varen has also developed the skill to be able to swap out the attachments very quickly even while on the move, giving the Uber Gun massive versatility. However, since all three modes take varying amounts of ammunition and each draws from the same clip, she can sometimes run out of ammo for one mode while still having ammo in the clip. [b]Weapon 2 Name:[/b] [b][color=darkslategray]"Well, I store ammo in it, so…[/color] the Ammo Box[color=darkslategray] I guess?"[/color][/b] [u]Type:[/u] Transforming, defensive, dust [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u] Sentry Turret, Light Machine Gun, Ammo box [u]Untransformed:[/u] Most of the time, the Ammo Box as you would imagine, is simply Varen's ammo box. It's a nondescript black metal cube with a handle on top which she can use to carry it, but she usually carries it on her back like a backpack. It's about as large Coco's briefcase but somewhat wider. She uses a lot of ammo and it's not like you can just resupply on Dust in the middle of a battle, so the Ammo Box is an essential part of her kit in drawn out missions. However, sometimes even with all the ammo in the world, it's not like she'll be able to kill a Deathstalker without some heavier artillery, and that's where the second form of the Ammo Box comes in. [u]Form 2:[/u] In its second form, a large barrel extends out the front of the Ammo box and a stock and trigger come out of the back, revealing its true form as a compact Light Machine Gun. The fire rate of an assault rifle, a calibre close to the sniper, and the stopping power of a shotgun, the Ammo Box is truly Varen's heavy artillery. She doesn't like to use it often as it consumes ammo extremely quickly and it draws from what is essentially a shared ammo pool. But she knows that there's going to be a time when her team might be in too deep, and that's just what her Ammo Box is for. [u]Form 3:[/u] The Ammo Box's FINAL FORM… Is actually rather special, even amongst all the crazy weapons students are known to build. The bottom of the Ammo Box opens up and a tripod comes out, and when placed on the ground the Ammo Box becomes an automated sentry turret. The targeting system is nothing fancy however. It picks out a nearby target and shoots until it's dead, but still, [i]it's an automated sentry turret.[/i] You can cover your own ass automatically, it's like having another member of the team out but you still have 3 other guys too. The only problem is it's an iffy tactical decision for Varen because again, high-fire rate, lots of dust, and it's all her shared ammo. It's even more iffy than the normal LMG because Varen doesn't actually have a good way of gauging how much the Ammo Box fires in sentry mode, so if it's at all possible she'll avoid using this mode entirely. [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Varen is extremely adept at getting to the point. She doesn't like to mince words when she has something to do, but when she doesn't have anything to do she finds she has nothing to talk about. Sometimes people make the comparison that she's new to emotion, and it's kind of true. It's more like she doesn't really have enough experience with understanding emotions. There was a lot more important things to think about in the earlier parts of her life, and she hasn't had anyone properly teach her anything. This, her weapons and her fighting style added up, usually makes Varen end up somewhat isolated from her team, but she is by no means a lone wolf. She [i]likes[/i] people but in her own words; [b][color=darkslategray]"I think I need more practice in being a person."[/color][/b] [b]History:[/b] As stated above, all Varen had ever really known in life was running, fighting, and Grimm. She was born in an outer-kingdom settlement, sort of far from Vale but Vale was still the closest kingdom. It's a dangerous world outside of the kingdoms but people still try, and while Grimm are deadly there are many ways to avoid them. Grimm will only attack if they know you're there, so the settlement was places in a hidden area. After a year or so of slow and steady development, Varen was born to a Snake Faunus mother and a human father. Her mother however, died shortly after her childbirth leaving her father to raise a child on his own. He didn't hate the child in any measure because she wasn't responsible for her death, but still, he felt there should be someone to blame, someone to pay. Of course he would never carry out any such act, but negative feelings are what draw Grimm towards humanity. All it takes is one Grimm, one death, and more would follow. And sure enough, one Grimm breached the boundaries of the settlement and killed her father when she wasn't even four years old. More Grimm followed the scent of despair to the hidden settlement, and before things could escalate the inhabitants of the settlement elected to leave for Vale. They had weapons but it was either slowly starve in a siege or make a run for it to Vale. But still, they knew that their fear and desperation would draw more Grimm after the fleeing populace. Thus they would have to take long routes away from major populations of Grimm, and their journey would last a good long while. And it did last a while, 3 whole years in fact. An attack had left them without any vehicles, so they were forced to carry their supplies and walk to Vale. During this time Varen was passed around from person to person to take care of her, but none of them took care of her for long. They could all barely take care of themselves, and who would want to keep the child that had started it all? So Varen learnt how to make herself useful at a young age, mostly by repairing weapons. A skill that she appeared to have a talent for which was very fortunate as they needed everything they could get. When they had finally reached Vale, their numbers had been drastically reduced to only about 15 people. And amongst them she knew that she wasn't really wanted so she quietly slipped away and went to wander for a while. Somehow she found herself on a ship bound for Signal Academy and she managed to get inside without being seen. She was caught however, when she found a student's unfinished weapon and began to tinker with it, never having seen something like it before. They considered punishing her but then they realized that the student's weapon was functioning much better than before, and probably much better than the student could've done. [b][color=darkslategray]"It was flawed."[/color][/b] She had said, [b][color=darkslategray]"I made it better."[/color][/b] And after explaining her circumstances, she secured herself a scholarship for Signal academy at an age far earlier than most others enrolled, and quickly showed that she was a weapons prodigy. She could pull apart and reassemble almost any weapon they put her way, and her accuracy with fire-arms was definitely on its way. After completing the Uber Gun she trained relentlessly to hone her accuracy, then she took extra time to create the Ammo Box. At 16 on special recommendation, she took the test to enrol at Beacon and passed with flying colours. Long story short; a lot went down but now Varen's here, and she's ready to rock. [hr] [b]Emblem:[/b][img]http://emblemsbf.com/img/13123.jpg[/img] [b]Other:[/b] If you ask her to treat you to something she'll say she can't. She spends what all of the money she gets on Dust which in all honesty isn't much. Ammo doesn't restock itself after all, and it would be dangerous to get caught out without any Dust for her. [u]Color:[/u] [b][color=darkslategray]Dark Gray[/color][/b] [u]Semblance:[/u] [b]Stardust[/b] - Using her semblace, Varen takes dust and throws it into the air, where it expands and forms 'stars'. The star can then be launched in a direction of her choosing and when using Dust in powder form, each individual star will only do enough damage to slightly sting someone, but getting hit by a lot would definitely hurt. She doesn't actually carry Dust powder on her though, she'd have to get it from her ammo storage. Instead she mostly carries Dust crystals which she can also use as ammo, but using her semblance on them is rather dangerous. It would turn the crystal into a very large 'star' that would detonate with considerable force, but not really any more than if she just threw it out and shot it. Stardust does however take a hefty amount of aura for one crystal or one crystal's worth of powder. She can only shoot about 7 crystals per day before having to recharge some aura. [u]Combat Style:[/u] Basically Varen's combat style is [b][color=darkslategray]"Long range if I can help it, mid-range if I can't, close range if I have to."[/color][/b] She is extremely versatile with the Uber Gun being most effective at mid to long ranges, and being able to supplement her weaknesses using her semblance. If an enemy gets too close she can roll out of the way while using 'Stardust' to keep them at bay, then switch her attachment to shotgun and blow away the offending party. It'd be annoying as hell fighting her one on one because she'd just outrange you so hard and then you think you have the advantage at close range then she just shotguns your face off. [u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u] Her primary strength lies in the fact that she can adapt to almost any situation both in the field and in an arena. Need a perimeter? Drop the Ammo Box. Need to snipe someone? Attach the Long Barrel. Need some explosives? Chuck a crystal. She still however does have some notable weaknesses. The first one would be gravity. She has no real way of controlling herself mid-air and she doesn't exactly know how to either. She has nothing that could help a soft landing besides luck which she doesn't exactly have more or less than anyone else. Her other major weakness would also be running out of ammo. If she doesn't have any spare clips on hand then she has to reach into the Ammo box to get more and that would mean she no longer has any hands free, and she wouldn't be in a position to dodge anything either. The same thing would happen if she was reloading but she'd be able to dodge at least.