The situation with the couple managed to solve itself without further violence, thankfully. The couple introduced themselves as Nathan and Harriet, and seemed reluctant to trust them- not that Aaron couldn't see why. It was human nature to be distrusting towards ghouls and super mutants, both of which their group had fairly large numbers of. Their group had a rather proportionately large number of ghouls in it, as well as Silvershaw's resident super mutant. Glancing at McTavish, Aaron had difficulty seeing why the mayor thought it was a good idea to send the giant with them- sure he was superbly handy in a fight, but he was loud, obvious, and made their group visible, and recognizeable from The family had had their child kidnapped from them. Slavers, Dannette's bunch specifically. Aaron growled audibly- he despised the slavers, especially since they made it a point of kidnapping children. It was with that grimace Aaron and the rest of the Silvershaw group navigated their way through the ruins towards the Brook. It was difficult to move the group in a stealthy manner, but with some guidance, and no small amount of luck, the group was able to get across Oking with little difficulty, and without encountering any resistance, or ferals. It was dark by the time they reached the train station, and Duella gathered them around to form a plan of action. In the distance, rising above the treeline, Aaron could see the slight glow of fire, and a plume of smoke slowly drifting through the sky, the slaver camp wasn't much further. Duella proposed several plans, none of which Aaron was too keen on. The first one to speak, surprisingly enough was Lux, the small, quiet, trader-scavenger that frequented Silvershaw. Aaron wasn't too sure why she agreed to go with them, she was a regular visitor to Silvershaw, but she didn't live there, nor did she ever say much to the residents. Nevertheless, she stated- not suggested, that she was going to go take a look at the enemy, find their numbers, weaknesses, positions, and whatnot. She stood up and prepared to leave, at which point Aaron stood up as well. "That's probably the smartest thing to do," Aaron agreed, "I'll go with you. By the time we get back, hopefully everyone else will be ready to act- on whatever plan they decide on." Pulling his scarf around his face, Aaron made moves to follow Lux. It'd be safer if they moved in a group, and less dangerous than trying to move the entire group. Some of them, particularly large green members of their group, weren't particularly good at staying quiet.