McTavish had nothing to say for the entire journey to the Brook. No dangers shot up, nobody asked him anything. So he had nothing to say to any of them. He didn't like the new ghoul though, or the other two civilians. They had just met them and now they were being brought in to a military operation. That wasn't a smart decision but then the decision wasn't his to make. He'd accept it, at least for now. Obviously there could come the point where gross incompetence would mean that he would have to question the orders of his superior. Something that he had never had to do before in his life. He was hoping that now wouldn't be that time. So he stayed low, and he stayed quiet on the walk over. His senses alert, his eyes constantly glancing from one of the new arrivals to the next. He wasn't going to let any of them get the jump on him. No way, if they made any threatening gestures they'd regret it. The next problem however was with two members of the group. Duela decided to put the decision to a vote, probably more for morale. She undoubtedly already had a plan and would allow the others to throw out their own ideas so she could assert her dominance by showing that her plan was best. McTavish had seen it before. In fact he was quite happy that she was doing that, it showed promise. However when Lux [i]decided[/i] to just stand up to perform recon, followed by another member of the team he had had enough. Standing up and with surprising speed he wound up infront of them. Sure if they had moved away with any amount of haste he wouldn't have ended up infront of them, but the speed for a being his size was still impressive. He stopped slouching, straightening himself out to his full height as he looked down on the two of them. "No! You don't get decide what to do. Silly idiots should go back and wait to be told what orders are, before they get trouble."