[center] [h2][color=f7976a]The Cyclops[/color][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c2/1b/b9/c21bb91168284bb0980b192610295ded.jpg[/img] [h3]Scope and Spy[/h3] [hr] Matted blood-red hair, one piercing green eye, and two steel-booted feet. The small figure watching from under a hat the slopped down her head, wasn't all that imposing. In fact she was passably ignorable. She counted at least five fresh graves among the Fallen Forgotten's quaint cemetery. It was almost funny. The world crumbles and what do people do? They just make it worse. If there was a God, then this was one sick and twisted way of destroying his little mortal toys. Nah. There was no such thing as the Christian God. To say there was bordered between delusional and complete insanity. [i]But whatever helped those kids sleep at night[/i], Cy thought. A tall figure, dressed in what she considered pretty odd attire, caught her attention. The short nineteen year old frowned in distain. Looked like someone older than her. Great. Well, if they thought that made them better than anyone else, she'd give them a nice punch in the gut, no charge. Cy still wore the patch of the Gamers on the sleeve of her jacket, realizing that it kept most people off her tail, so as long as they weren't Scorp Scum. The territory battles between the Gamers and the Scorps were getting worse by the day, and she didn't need to get involved in any of that. She already had more than a few people breathing down her neck. Tailing the tall samurai-looking guy, she kept her distance, but watched intently. What made Creepy McSlinker over there sudden turn tail and dart back to the pawn shop. Nothing against the Forgotten or whatever, but they weren't exactly the most respected gang around. In fact they were more like a big version of one of the pathetic groups that organized to keep their hearts beating. Okay, that was a bit harsh. Everyone deserved a chance at life. But then again, tell that to the quickly decaying world. Peering through her treasured binoculars, Cy frowned again. The ex-Cyote was in there too? Well, well, maybe she had underestimated the Forgotten. They got Mister Tall McSlinker and a rouge Cyote inside their walls, they were a bit stronger than the last time she had come around to gather info. What, were they hiding an O.S. doctor in there too? Smirking, she put away her binoculars and started her own approach to the pawn shop, booted feet trudging forwards in a mockingly languid saunter. [/center]