Shenzi, Benzai, and Ed walk into Magicka's classroom. "Shit, I can't believe we're early!" Across the other side of the classroom, Elsa sat quietly in the corner desk. She looked different then she did a few weeks ago. [img][/img] "Oiy, since when the hell did you start [i]Curse magic?[/i]" There was a tang of venom in Shenzi's voice. Elsa had always been a star student in the school. She gave off a vibe that seemed like she was [i]above[/i] the use of curse and dark magics. Elsa rolled her eyes. "If you must know, I'm only here to meet with Magicka. I have a few questions I need for her to answer." She turns her out the window, trying to ignore the other students. "What happened to your hair?" Benzai asked, "because black looks fucked up on you." With a wave of her hand, she engulfs Benzai's entire body in black ice. Ed threw his head back laughing. Shenzi wasn't impressed, "what the hell? That kind of shit can get you expelled!" "I've done worst." Elsa cut in. "He'll thaw out once class is over. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to wait for Magicka in silence." XXX Mulan shivered. She could quickly tell that Magicka was one of the... [i]Strict[/i] teachers. "Ma...Ma'm." Mulan gives a quick bow of respect. "I meant no harm in the bumping into you. I apologize for my behavior." She kept her eyes on the ground, worried that Magicka might take eye contact as a sign of disobedience. "I am..." "She's part of the disciplinary committee." Li comes in from around the corner. "We're hall monitors, just trying to make sure everyone makes it to class on time safely." He bows to Magicka, gently and confidently. "I'm sorry if we caused you any harm."