[b][color=f7941d]To those who are in the Curse 101 Class[/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]Magicka tapped her foot for a moment. "Since you are Hall Monitors, I shall let you go. Please finish up your check and get to class." Magicka spoke less severely then headed to her classroom. Once she walked in the classroom, Magicka noticed that one student was frozen in black ice. Another student was speaking about meeting her. One was laughing as a fool would. "Silence! You can meet with me after class (pointing at Elsa). Whoever put that student in black ice will unthaw him immediately and will meet me after class or suffer the consequences tomorrow. The rest of you will get ready for class. Broom, place the classroom satchel on that table and the other satchel next to the desk then go to the corner. Cloak to the corner. Ratface, find a place to roost." [/color][/b] [b][color=92278f] Ratface flew to the window sill to rest. [/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]The bell has rung and I am ready to start class. My name is Professor deSpell. I will be teaching Curses 101. We will study the base of the Curse and how to make an effective Curse. First however, I want to pass out to each of you a basic class wand and a Grimoire to tame. Each student will line up in an orderly line to receive your Equipment. Do not open it until you are told to do so.” Magicka walked to the table, high heels clacking all the way. She began to place black boxes on the table at one end then proceeded to put boxes that had a cover over it and a handle on each one. One box began to move about and growl. Magicka simply smacked the top of the box. “Feisty little Grimoire. The cover on the box is to keep the Grimoire more quiet but this one is waking up from its nap. Be sure to take the box by its handle.” Magicka chuckled. ((Be creative with your Grimoire description. It can be any texture from furry to scaly. Any color or pattern within reason which means heed the Forums Rules. Female or Male. It will be aggressive at first. You will find it tied up with some kind of a leather belt.)) [/color][/b]