Bernard was slightly relieved at her laughing and inquisitiveness- it felt as if a guy trying to make conversation with someone he didn't really know was somewhat creepy, while if it were a lady trying to make the conversation, it was somehow okay and alright. So, he allowed himself a small, welcome-to-my-world smile, and replied amiably enough. [color=burlywood]"The Keurig's worked since college, and has proven its usefulness when people want coffee, and I have no idea how to make it any other way. But yeah, all the hot tea and hot chocolate I've needed since college has been fulfilled by that wonderous little device. I just don't wanna spend more money, now that they've 'improved' it and likely made it crappier by trying to cut costs. And it's not like the device has had its fair share of problems- I've had to get it fixed too many times. It's just now breaking down for good."[/color] He shrugs, and goes on, saying, [color=burlywood]"Besides, it's nice to get out and tell myself it's not because I want to, but because of hot chocolate. Gives me an excuse for myself, so to speak."[/color] He raised his cup for a drink, before freezing just before, and he gave it a suspicious, narrowed stare, slightly overexaggerated for Evie's benefit. He slowly set it down, and pulled the top off, letting the steam rise and the heat escape, before continuing. [color=burlywood]"And you? Are you getting your money's worth with your man-operated coffee shop?"[/color]