[img]http://elwiki.net/wiki/images/archive/0/0a/20141102130139!AddPortrait1.png[/img] [h1][color=9966cc]"I couldn't care less what other people think!"[/color][/h1] Name: Light Vrangr Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Hight: 5'6" Weight: 134 lbs His left eye is artificial. For reasons known only to him, he changed his left eye's pupil to his emblem. It still works the same, though. Weapon Name: Dynamo Weapon Appearance/Function: Five drones that are linked to, and controlled directly by his thoughts. They are highly adatable weapons that can change to each situation. Type: Melee, Defensive, Ranged, and Dust. Transforms. Reacts to his aura. Weapon Derivation: Drones Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: Most of the time, they hover around his shoulders in a semi-circle, but when they are not in use, they attach to his belt. 1st Configuration: Default. Can fire blasts of Dust elements, and ar bladed on each side with a sharp tip. 2nd Configuration, [i]Destruction[/i]: A turret pops out of each one. It fires dust ammunition. .44 calibur and has 10 shots each. 3rd Configuration, [i]Energy Shield:[/i] Three of his dynamos make a triangular formation, and create an energy barrier that is highly resistant to dust attacks, but only midly effective against physical attacks. Max size is 6 ft tall and 6 ft wide 4th Configuration, [i]Plasma Cannon[/i]: Three of them form a small triangle and gather energy between them to fire as a bolt of plasma. 5th Configuration, [i]Avant Garde[/i]: One of his dynamos form a handle and emit a rapier-like blade. 6th Configuration, [i]Flash[/i]: One to five of his dynamos release an eye-searingly bright flash of light. This can temporarily blind an opponent. 7th Configuration, [i]Sound Fortress[/i]: Similar to Flash, one to five of his dynamos surround an opponant and emit a high-pitched, high frequency noise that can disorient opponents (any anyone withon ear shot.) Hoverbord Personality: His most notable trait is his intelegence. He is, to put it simply, a genius. He is extremely good with technology and weapons. Yet he can be irresponsible and has a very introverted personality, that combined with his frequent use of sarcasm, makes it hard to get along with him. He especially doesn't like to work with people, not to say that he can't though. He is known to be more than slightly obsessive about technology. He does have a sense of humor, although its a litle odd. He does want to become a hunter, from the bottom of his heart, but he doesn't see how teamates are necessary. History: Little of Light's life was "normal". Both of his parents were good hunters, and were sent on missons many times so they were not home often and he was raised by his grandfather, a retired hunter, himself. His grandfather was a kindly man who's good natured ways left a lasting impression on Light. But, when Light was ten, his grandfather died of a heart attack. He then had to live with one of his parents in the field, alternating between each one, depending on the difficulty of their mission. Under such circumstances, he had to learn the ways of a Hunter quickly, and got a lot of first hand experience. In this manner, four years passed. One day, the three of them were on them same aircraft, traveling home, to spend a rare holiday together when suddenly, the craft malfuntioned and crashed. His mother died in the crash and Light sustained horrible injuries to the left side of his body. His left eye was pierced by shrapnel, and his left hand was crushed. His father survived, too but he was also injured badly. He managed to keep Light and himself alive with some medical supplies that he found in the wreckage of the crash. However, they were in the middle of uncharted wilderness, infested with Grimm, and the commuication equipment was damaged. For a week, his father fought hordes of Grimm while protecting the incapacitated Light, and trying to repair the damaged equipment. Finaly, he managed to fix it and get in touch with someone who sent Hunters and Huntresses out to find them. The search for them took another week, but by the fifth day, their food was gone, although they had water from a creek nearby. The Grimm's attacks grew more fearsome by the day, and more and more of them appeared. They were found by the searchers, but the Grimm launched an all-out attack, jsut as they were most vulnerable. Light's father was the only one there who had enough combat experience, so he valiantly fought them off, so that the rest of them could escape. It was an epic, and amazing battle, but no matter his skill, there were too many of them. Light watched his father died in front of his very eyes. He did not die alone, though, hundreds of Grimm ment their end there, including five Goliaths, and other, nameless, Grimm just as old. An estimate by some of the rescuers put the number of total defeated Grimm at about four hundred, and they tried to comfort a heartbroken, grieving Light with this fact, but to no avail. He spent the next year, missing his family, and learning to coping with his injuries, beliving that he would never become a hunter, never make his parents proud. But, he learned of prostetic technology that could replace what he had lost, and give him a future as a hunter again. He eagerly accepted the procedure. He was dissatisfied with the standed looks and he decided to make a few "upgrades" himself. the next year, he applied for Beacon and was accepted, dispite his young age. Emblem: [img]http://cdn.mysitemyway.com/etc-mysitemyway/icons/legacy-previews/icons/glowing-purple-neon-icons-symbols-shapes/114358-glowing-purple-neon-icon-symbols-shapes-power-button.png[/img] Other: He is very fond of sweets, coffee and 'cute' things, especially cats. Color: [color=9966cc]Byzantium[/color] Combat Style: Whatever it takes to win. Strengths: Extremely intelligent A genius with technology of all types, including weapons. A powerhouse when it comes to fighting. Good at strategy. Weaknesses: Obsessive Anti-social When things don't go as planned, he can get flustered. Cats and sweets...but mostly sweets Semblance of Energy: He is able to produce and has limited control over plasma. This is a relatively taxing power, requiring focus and lots of aura. Fortunatly, he has a lot of aura, but it is difficult to use is large amounts without some tool to aid him. For that, he created the Dynamo, which allows him to channel and 'weaponize' his power. Theme: [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmIBSeFhnfc [/youtube]