[Center][h1][color=184C3B]Jessi[/color][/h1][/center] Chasing the creature was no small feat. Slipping through tight areas, even disappearing through cracks in the walls, these little devils did all they could to elude the young soldier. Eventually they succeeded, as the sounds of what could only be described as a demon yelling from the center of the Infinitum distracted Jessi. Having lost sight of them Jessi had to think quick for his next course of action. Recalling the chase something dawned on him. Even though they could have gone any direction to lose him, the imp creatures seemed to stay on course to one destination, the second tower. It made perfect sense. If these things were in fact responsible for the fireworks malfunction at the first one, then why not attack the other towers and create even more chaos? Betting his conclusion to be right Jessi wasted no more time in running full speed to the next tower. There was a good chance he wouldn’t beat those Imps there, but he might be able to catch them before they even got in. He arrived at the tower just in time to place himself in front of the entrance. Knowing the imps would attack at any second he readied himself. His tome, still around his head, began to glow slightly as it began further increasing Jessi's perception and processing. The imps might be getting the first move, but he would get the first hits. [@Lucius Cypher]