Name: Wyatt Wilkins Age: 34 Sex: [s]Yes, please[/s] Male Appearance: [url=]Click.[/url] Bio: Wyatt is a British detective from a noir universe that is, and always will be, 1886 London. As with most detectives in noirs, Wyatt has a troubled past because it's a trope: his mother died at birth and his father was gunned down when he was 12. So, he joined the police force at 17, and became a detective (duh). He still hunts his father's killer today, deciding to never give up until he kills the man. Once he DOES catch the man (even though he never will, because plot reasons) he'll retire. Personality: Described as a 'glass half-empty' kind of guy, Wyatt has a grim outlook on life and only took up detective work for a personal vendetta. While he acts depressing and shite, he does like to socialize and will talk forever if given the chance. He's an alcoholic, as well, and smokes cigarettes, the latter of which lead him to cough frequently. He speaks in a Cockney accent, which does tend to annoy some people. Inventory: Suit, loafers, bowler hat, derringer (concealed in his suit), ten derringer rounds, twenty pounds, a pack of cigarettes (with only four cigarettes inside), a match book (with only seven matches inside) and a half-empty bottle of whiskey.