Anastasia Udinovich looked up from the book she was reading, [i]The Guide to speaking Hungarian[/i], and listened to her captain, Evelyn Hunter, speak to them over their earpieces. [i]Lazy?[/i], Anna thought [i]I wonder which one of us has been sleeping all night?[/i]. Anna rarely slept these days as every moment that she left herself unoccupied her mind always ended up flickering back to her past, the one place in the world she could not stand to go and so she busied herself with activities as much as she could. Mockery was also one of the tools in her aresenal that she used to help come to terms with her situation, thankfully Anna never said it outloud as people may not take kindly too it, even though it was not meant as a slight towards the person themselves. Tonight was no different and instead of sleeping she began her usual nightly routine of exercise, reading and polishing her private weapon collection, which was a subject matter that always drew the ire of her superiors as they disliked the idea of having weapons inside the facility that weren't in the armoury. They also however, understood that this ragtag group of girls weren't your typical agents so they decided to give them a few extra liberties that other agents didn't have. Over the years, Anna's body had adapted to not getting much sleep as adaption was the only way she could have survived her past. Needless to say, this never effected her performance, if it did she would never have been picked, and she could operate just as well as her other teammates. Anna placed the book on the side of her bed, slipped into their offical uniform and walked out of her room, making her way to briefing room.