[center] [h2][color=f7976a]The Cyclops[/color][/h2] [h3]The Meat-Eating Cyclops and the Sullen Squirrel Strangler[/h3] [@Mivuli] [hr] A slow smile crossed Cy's face, the kind of smile that seems sincere till you realize it never reaches the eyes. Those kinds of smiles were a dime-a-dozen these days, and Cy was always generous with insincere smiles. Her heavy footed saunter came to a slow stop as a lean girl who was a few inches taller than herself spoke. Spoke? More like guarded the door and ask a low suspicious question. That was fine. In an area like this, right after a funeral, it was good that these kids were keeping on their toes. Though now that she looked, it seemed as though this 'girl' was actually more around her own age, if a bit younger. According to observations gathered, there was only one nineteen year old in the Forgotten so far. Most were younger. Which was probably why they were a laughable misfit group in the eyes of every other gang around. Tipping her head back a little so the shadows didn't play so dangerously on her face, Cy continued to smile. It would suck to get shot just for looking creepy. The Gamer colors on her jacket probably weren't going to be much help with these guys. [color=f7976a]"Trade? Well, yeah, I guess yah could put it that way,"[/color] Cy deep mountain twang rung out warm against her sharp smile, [color=f7976a]"This is tha' Forgotten HQ right?"[/color] Okay, shaky start. Intros were never her best, but she always flourished so as long as she kept the ball rolling. Her one good eye caught the gleam of the sun from one of her clearly visible blades. It gave the green gaze a hint of fire, like see was searching for something in the other female's face. The air was heavy, thick with left over remorse and sorrow. But the deep velvet sun-stained wasteland around them seemed unable to leave its mark on Cy. In fact it seemed to transform that cheap smile of hers into something more substantial. Her gloved hands looked too heavy around the knuckles. Her boots looked too heavy. Her shot gun and ammo looked too heavy. Yet her head had a light tilt and an even lighter grin. [color=f7976a]"Feel antsy about havin' so many new face 'round, huh?"[/color] her words held a small chuckle, [color=f7976a]"Don't blame yah, doll. Not after the show that Scorp o' Scum pulled on yah."[/color] Touchy topic, but the former Gamer kept going, reading everything with her unwavering gaze. [color=f7976a]"Truth is,"[/color] she continued, [color=f7976a]"I ain't here to dance with you or yer sharp shot on the roof up there. I'm here tah sit at the big kids table."[/color] Her eye slowly looked over to the Cyote and Slinker, who she couldn't see inside from her position. But she knew the willow pixie in front of her would know what she was referring to. [color=f7976a]"No need tah get jumpy,"[/color] she put her hands up finally, tilting her head back a bit more, [color=f7976a]"The Cyote and Creepy Dude in there would give yah more trouble than me."[/color] Okay, she was beating around the bush now, just taking her sweet time. And time was luxury. Something she was used to too much with the G-Squad. [color=f7976a]"So yah gonna let me in, little pig, little pig,"[/color] her accent got thick as she got more and more amused with her slow study of the girl before her, [color=f7976a]"Or should I jus' shout my [i]offer[/i] from here?"[/color] The burnt up sky got heavier with her words, or maybe it just looked like that to her. Dangerous little tasks, like the betrayal she was about to put in play, always made the world look more vibrant. Like her body was trying to savor every bit of life it could. Ahhh... Now that was what she loved about her self-made job. [/center]