I was still in my tent when I heard something about some sort of assembly at HQ. I wasn't exactly awake, given that I've always been one to sleep in as much as I can, but, I did manage to drag myself out of my tent, and over to the HQ tent... at least, that's where I thought I was. Turns out I'm not as good with directions when I'm half asleep, and I somehow ended up near the tent where they occasionally served food before I saw a crowd gathering somewhere that I assumed was the HQ. I passed by Erion, and gave a half-hearted "Good morning," to him as I passed by. I noticed that the wyvern was still there, probably either put under a spell, or trained incredibly well at this point, so, I didn't bother with it, this time. It still looked cool, and I'd probably be a much better fighter if I could actually ride that thing without getting a face full of twigs, leaves, and dirt but I didn't want to accidentally get bitten right now, and, given my tiredness, I was probably just that much more likely to make a mistake if I did try to interact with the thing, so I just continued onward, and joined the crowd in seeing yet another new general. The last one didn't turn out so well, but, then again, it's possible that the last one was just fine, and wrongly accused of doing something that his brother did... or, the opposite was true, we probably still didn't have any idea what happened, and I'm sure that neither of them have given any sort of unbiased, reliable story, and for all I knew, they didn't find any evidence that has proven that either brother was responsible. [i]Oh no, what if neither of them are responsible for this? What if we're keeping our good generals locked up for practically no reason? Then again, they both seemed pretty quick to accuse each other... maybe one of them IS responsible...[/i] I think as I stand in the middle of the crowd, waiting for a new general to be named.