"Suls you [i]do[/i] know that this is absolutely insane. I don't know why you invited me but then again you have your reasons." [color=ed1c24]"Anders you worry too much besides I had gotten special permission from both the staff and the director of the school to allow you here considering your circumstances."[/color] Suley gave Anders a small smile before walking out the door and down the hallway, Anders shortly following him out before catching up to him. It was funny. Most of the students gave both of them looks but almost every single one was directed to Anders. Here was a figure that stood 6'4" and adorned a [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/5c/ec/175cec44ed977ee3744eaab836f20eba.jpg]suit of armor[/url] with a designed piece of cloth that featured [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110802193141/finalfantasy/images/9/94/Suzaku_coat_of_arms.jpg]the crest of his order[/url]. On his back was a great sword that by the handle itself showed that it was of high quality, on his right was a short sword and dagger but o his left was...A unique looking [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/1527/th/pre/f/2012/270/6/8/black_wizard_blade_by_sirarturo-d5g41eb.png] longsword.[/url] it was about a foot and a half longer and had a slight hum to it. He looked as if he came from the old times. But what really had people looking at him for was thanks to his scent though Suley did not worry considering Anders was a very, very capable fighter if it came down to it. Suleykaar wore something a bit, different. His [url=http://aws-cf.imdoc.fr/prod/photos/3/7/1/4864371/5123277/img-5123277c33.jpg?v=0] outfit[/url] was of a deep red with gold trimming with the upper half stitched in a scaly design. A short spaulder on his right arm held a small piece of cloth that held his [url=http://s632.photobucket.com/user/dagweed/media/dragons/dragoncrest.jpg.html] banner [/url] with King pin wrapping around his neck like a sapphire necklace. "So Suls, what's the plan should anything happen?" Anders gave him a sidelong glance as they kept walking. Suley sighed and looked at him. [color=ed1c24]"On your toes as usual I see. But you shouldn't- Oh hello Laurel and...Kiiiaaarrraaa. Glad that you two were able to come and join us."[/color] Anders stepped forward, taking each one of their hands into his own before looking at Laurel and then Kiara. "M'lady.." Kissing Laurels first. "M'lady.." Then Kiara's. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Suls has told me a lot about you two. I was glad to see that what he has said about your beauty hardly do you justice." He smiled at the both of them, causing Suley to have a slight twitch in his eye. [i][color=ed1c24]"Modern times Anders...Modern times."[/color][/i] he thought. A few interesting days had gone by since the announcement. Suley was still a nuisance to Kiara but they seemed to have a sort of...Love/hate relationship. Over time he learned a little about her and Laurel but refused to say anything about himself other then the usual smartass Suley comments. [color=ed1c24]"Ah-"[/color] A light bulb lit up in his head as he looked over at Laurel and Kiara, snapping him out of his thought. [color=ed1c24]"Have you both turned in Lorenzo's paper on Old Elvish Language and its history as Irish-Gaeli or have you slacked off and forgotten?[/color] Suley gave both Kiara and Laurel his usual "quizitive" look, even though it was a little bit on the smug side. But since he was in a good mood, it was mostly just a lighthearted jab at the two. [@Aspen Wren][@Silent Observer]