[center][h3][color=1a7b30]Araguay Woods[/color][/h3][/center] [@Eklispe][@Lugia][@Evanist] As the trio rallied around the mass of soldiers that now gathered around the tent, forming a half-circle around the commanders as small murmurs could be heard from the people. After a moment, Vernire would lift his hand, and everyone would fall silent. "Enough! Due to the circumstances that be, I'm stepping down as the leader of this expedition," A small torrent of whispers could be heard once more, though falling silent quickly after, as the mountain of a man continued, "We all have decided that it's for the best that my brother and I need to stand down... In fact, we'll be taking our leave." At this point a sudden gasp resounded about the group. At this point, Holliander stepped forward, his regal voice a stark contrast to the abrasive tone of his brother's, "Now, now, it's for the best. Having people accused of treason at the helm can only bring about more chaos and mistrust. Vernire and I have seen this first hand," At this point, the brothers cast a rather awkward glance between each other, "And as such, we will be setting out as to not cause more harm then we already have." At this point, the whispers hushed almost completely, though a few soldiers began to hang their head and mutter under their breath. "But, with this news, I'm pleased to announce that the new leader of this voyage will be none other than our own, Remus-" "It's 'Summoner'!" the green cloaked man snapped slightly, seeming to be mostly in jest as his hand rested upon the odd orange horn upon his forehead. If this was an attempt to lighten the mood, it failed... But the leaders still held onto their smiles. Well at least, all but Vernire. Holliander chuckled as he shook his head, "Very well. 'Summoner' will be named commander, I ask that you respect him as you've done with my brother and I." With that, Holliander would step forward, placing a hand upon the younger male's shoulder, "He will do great, I'm sure." At this point, Robin cleared his throat, "Those who are wanting to follow the former commanders may choose to leave without prosecution. I do not blame you for wanting to follow those who you feel you can trust. But what I do ask, is that you consider what's at stake." At this point, all of the commanders look back to Robin, "We have entertained the idea of a traitor in our ranks, and it's not impossible... Though I'd hate to point the finger at any of those I had to fight beside. The only thing we'll say is this: if you are attempting to ruin us and break our spirits- we will persevere." With that, Vernire rolled his shoulder before walking off in silence, his blackened armor rattling heavily as he stormed off, followed shortly after Holliander, "May God shelter you all. You all will be at the heart of my prayers." As the assembly came to a close, Robin and Summoner stood outside the tent as they began to converse and distribute orders to those that remained, while saluting and shaking hands with those who left to follow the former commanders. In the end, the remaining forces were only half as strong. As the trio looked upon each other, they knew a decision awaited them. [@FantasyChic] Having been part of a scouting party that had become separated from the main force, Quill and other soldiers that had survived made their way to the rendezvous point that had been established. Sure enough, the sight of white smoke rising above the trees and the subtle smell of morning meals filled the air. The pace suddenly picked up as the men and women rushed forward, entering into a clearing and greeted with the sight of the main camp. For a moment, it was a welcomed sight... Until the dire mood of the camp settled in upon them. As Quill began to make her way deeper into the camp, she'd pass by a group of oddly dressed women (probably from this strange new land) clustered together and whispering. "Word is, some of the others are planning to jump ship soon." A voice spoke loud enough to be heard by the dancer. "Really? Is that wise? I know we have lost so many, but what can we hope to do on our own?" Another replied, seeming much younger in tone. "I don't know. But if it's enough to scare the Veira away, perhaps we should flee to. It wouldn't have been a bad idea to follow them." This defeatist attitude was odd... Very odd. Wasn't the survivors in better spirits not a few days before? It was only once she reached the army portion of the camp, did Quill notice a distinct lack of soldiers. It seems now that over half of the original force was no longer there... It was only then, Quill realized the dark and dreary reality that was her new life, here in this hell called Ivalice.