[h1]Drosil Maeneld[/h1] "What is there to say about me, I'm just a Jasian mage looking to solve the mysteries of the universe . . . and find the secrets to all magic. . . and try to find away to meet my divine parent . . .and lastly . . . I don't know, find love. So yeah, nothing to special, though I feel one of those things contradicts the others." Drosil spoke slowly, growing more confident and comfortable with every word spoken. As such, since sitting around doing nothing was terribly boring, he quickly got up at flitted about the garden, calling forth small fae-like creatures to help heal the plants as he began to collect some ingredients here and there. A few of these small creatures, humanoid in their nubile forms but possessing bodies green as the leaves that surrounding them, would dance around the queen, one attempting to braid her hair, all while singing in a tongue that sounded like a breeze moving through a gentle plain. Potion making wasn't his forte, but he was always eager to try new things, plus what he did no how to make were some very strong hallucinogenic drugs that he found very relaxing and fun to take from time to time . . to time . . . to time. Okay, so he may have had a slight problem with addiction in the past, but he was fine now. He'd been clean for . . . 5 months? No, just one, but that was cause enough to celebrate, right? Moving on from that, he suddenly remembered that he was in the middle of a conversation, one which he'd rudely interrupted with silence for about 3 minutes. "Ahem, sorry your majesty, I tend to get easily distracted by things even at the best of times. Anyway, if you wish to know about me, I'm always eager to tell, especially since you know my secret. It's been so long since I've been able to talk to someone about, not since we were taken from the orphanage really. Well, I guess Shadar counts as someone, but we can't really talk to each other. I've never even seen him, heard his voice, just his pictures and what not. He's really good as well, you should ask him to do your portrait sometime, as I'm sure it'll put your best court painter to shame. Back to the topic, we've only ever communicated from writing each other notes and memories, though memories from one another are weird. We get the sense of everything, what people look like, what been going on, and all tat, but when it comes to each other, we don't have a sense of how one of us feels about what's going on, and anytime we'd see each others forms, all I see if an inky blackness and all he sees is a shiny light." Drosil's voice took a rather depressed tone as he talked about his brother, unable to stop thinking about how close he was to Shadar, yet how far away his brother seemed to be. It was the weirdest feeling to him, how much he felt like he knew Shadar, and yet, how much he felt like he didn't know at the same time. However, he was quick to throw those thoughts out of his head, not wanting to focus on sadness when he was entertaining a guest, nevermind if he was the guest in this instance. "Have you ever been to Jasi, your majesty, it's a beautiful place, full of so many sights, sounds, and wonders. Magic and technology are in such an abundance that it's a paradise for those inclined to such fields. . . or at least, it would be if it wasn't for some noble families being lying, cheating, backstabbing bastards who love to take the credit for the discoveries that some have worked their whole lives on, only to have these entitled piece of steaming dung to swoop in and . . ." Drosil took a breath to calm himself, knuckles having turned white around his staff as he clenched in anger. Once he felt suitably calmed down, he gave turned to face the Queen, giving a low bow of apology. "I'm sorry your majesty, I lost my temper and utter such vulgarities in your presence. i do hope I have not offended, but . . . let's just say that I have many problems with the aristocracy in my homeland and the ay they handle things. But, now isn't the time to discuss it." Rising from his bow, Drosil walked up, recalling the nymphs with a whispered word and in the same breath, causing a seat of stone to rise up a little ways in front of Kori. Taking a seat, he took his staff and presented it to the Queen to take, giving her a smile as if to say 'go ahead, you know you want to'. "This staff was off my own creation, using the ability given to all Divineborn, the power of Creation. I specialize in magical items, my brother in the more mundane weapons of the warrior, such as his greatsword, but we both made our weapons to represent us in a way. This staff is, in it's very essence, a representation of my soul. Oh, and don't worry about breaking it, you could drop a boulder on this thing and it wouldn't get a scratch." Once the Queen took or refused his offer, he would then turn his full attention on her, a strange calm entering his features as he analyzed her, seeming to almost stare through her in a way. His golden-green eyes seemed to dance with an inner fire that, if gazed into, would entrance and hypnotize those who looked into their depths. The colors would seemed to slowly meld together, spinning around the dark void off the pupil, faster and faster until it was like a brilliant typhoon of iridescence dancing within his sockets. It would hold her until he broke the spell with his voice, inquisitive, yet gentle, like the prodding of a bird on a windowsill in the early morning. "I've talked about myself in length, and I apologize if I have bored or otherwised bothered you. Also, if you feel it with in my position to do so, may I ask you a few questions, your majesty?"