[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [color=f7941d][i]Hmm, the Jungle Room? What the hell? I guess no one clued you dolts in on the fact that us Siberians like things COLD unlike our Bengal cousins. You probably don't even know that there are more than one species of tiger do you chump? You'd think given my pale orange and brown, instead of the usual bright orange and black stripes these guys would figure it out, but maybe they just think I haven't got my adult coat in? I'll just blame Vlad, that works, he's a real douche he probably even invented global warming. I look at the guard but don't make any other moves... I didn't mind co-operating, but I wasn't keen on getting heat stroke either. If he had to tranq me fine, but the only other option would be coming into the cage to get me. I doubted he was eager to try that. Unless he had other options for me to try... that would be highly preferable for both parties.[/i][/color] [@KatherinWinter]