After a few moments, it became obvious to Morgan that he was alone and his roommate was likely already at the ball. Deciding that he would be late if he delayed any longer, he started in that direction himself. Judas stared at him with half-lidded as he left the room, closing the door behind him. While he walked he wondered idly what the others might feel about their attending family. The ballroom had been decorated with all the extravagance Morgan had come to expect in his short time here. Three of the other students he rocognized, and someone he didn't, were nearby, already conversing among themselves for the moment. When his eyes passed over them to see who else was there, they seemed to get stuck on Kiara for a moment before he could move on. Shaking his head slightly, Morgan turns to the rest of the room just as one of his sisters punches him lightly in the ribs. [color=darkslategray]"'Sup, kid? I was beginning to wonder if you would ever show."[/color] Never one to conform or impress, Piper Selwyn wore jeans with torn knees held up by a strip of leather studded with spikes. Her top was slightly more tasteful, a thick black turtleneck sweater. Her dark brown hair, a trait she shared with Morgan, was coiled in a bun. [color=silver]"Had to be you didn't it?"[/color] came his reply, but his smile and the brief embrace they shared showed how glad he was to see her. [color=darkslategray]"Make any new friends yet?"[/color] she asks as they both turn toward the rest of the room, prompting Morgan to glare at her for a moment. That was exactly the sort of thing he hated about talking to family. [color=darkslategray]"What? You know I was joking!"[/color] Rolling his eyes, Morgan gives his sister a light shove, and Piper can only laugh in response.