[quote=@Sep] We talked about this Ellri other people are also feeling left out and put off by their inability to be included in a post when most of them feel they would at least go into the room when he yelled. I know it is sad to waste a post but I thought we had reached that agreement. It was to let people feel less stuck, including myself as I can't fill in that time gap with fear of overlap or contradiction. [/quote] Currently, I've been talking with Gowi over the issue and we came up with two solutions we felt were best: 1. I can replace the collab with the reason for Xid's stress, and why he called out. Which honestly, I wanted to do before you had me post it. Then we can rewrite the collab over with Talijia included. 2. Alter the timestamps where Talijia happens to get to Xid first, then have a small scene before reposting the collab with minor edits acknowledging her before the chat. Which is best for you? Also keeping in mind I have only a few days to alter it before I leave for no net land and I can't be sure if I can get to the library regularly due to my situation. I sort of lost my ride and phone posting is a bitch. XD [quote=@Ellri] If you really feel it needs a rewrite, then copy it out to a doc and get a mod to hide the post. Then divide it up there, so you avoid long prison collab. Or move it out of the prison so others aren't prevented from interfering even as they are present. [/quote] Honestly, I thought I had Xid isolated from other but I did make him scream. XD Though it might help, if from now on, we label the two bunk rooms as Bunk Room A and B to prevent confusion. It's hard to tell which bunk room everyone is in when there's two. [@Ellri], you also might want to make a note of which one is which in the CS area where the map is. [quote=@Ellri] You're Jedi. its not that hard to find a way. its not as if the doors to the turbolifts are welded shut. Of course, you can always simply find a secluded corner and do it there. Or you can split it up, allowing for others to interact. If that changes later parts, so be it. [/quote] Technically, Xid could've escaped himself without Navi's help. He's just not fully examined the doors or anything with his anxiety issues.