[@Aintitfun1997] Justine was VERY unsure about leaving her town. There were people here she needed to make sure were okay. She couldn't just pick up and leave without letting them know she was okay too. She knew there were people wondering about where she was and stressing about her safety. She looked around the room nervously as she began to sharpen the chair leg Krystyn had handed her. If anything, she needed to make sure her best friend was okay. And she didn't care if Krystyn liked it or not, she was coming with them when they found her. [i][color=green] "When were you wanting to leave? Would you mind if I tracked someone down first? I'm worried sick about my best friend and I need to find her. [/color][/i] Lexi needed to be found and taken care of considering Justine knew that she as NOT a very good survivalist. She could barely take care of herself in a normal world atmosphere, let alone a zombie apocalypse. Justine finished sharpening the chair leg and tested it with the back of her hand. She then scratched her leg with it and it left a red mark on her calf. Waiting for Krystyn to respond, she yelled out, [i][color=green] "This is ready! Is there anything else you want me to make? [/color][/i]