[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bbgcPrh.png[/img] [b]M E T R O P O L I S[/b] [sub]S U I C I D E S L U M S [color=gray][b]January 1st, 2016[/b][/color][/sub][/center] As the heroes flocked to their funeral in Centennial Park, it was the villains who gathered in the shadow of Metropolis as a fanfare of freedom rung out. Superman was [i]dead[/i] and in the process of being [i]buried[/i]— a fact that made many criminals, both mundane and metahuman alike, feel an weight lifted from their shoulders. Sure, the Justice League still had individuals that operated in the City of Tomorrow but to lose The Man of Steel was a relief for criminals worldwide; one “world level” hero off the proverbial checklist. There was a lot of crowding throughout the slums and a lot of planning for activity as evening would soon begin to set upon the Delaware skies. One such activity involved Nicole Diaz, the metahuman known as Jinx. Several days ago, Jinx had come to the Suicide Slums when she was contacted about a job by Sherman Fine, one of the many criminal brokers in the United States; though he had done so through one of his many aliases to avoid things running back to him. Jinx was told she would be meeting with an associate of his who would give her all of the essential information for the operation that was to go down. An operation she reflected on as she organized her team in an old abandoned warehouse. [hr] [center][b]M E T R O P O L I S[/b] [sub]S U I C I D E S L U M S [color=gray][b]December 27th, 2015[/b][/color][/sub][/center] The meeting was in an old run-down church within the “Suicide Slums”, Metropolis’ go-to criminal hotspot, and as far as she had figured it things were going pretty well for her. The year had been one she and her friends had wanted for so long— finally free of the shackles of HIVE. They were making their own decisions on their own terms. She imagined her friends she made in the Teen Titans wouldn’t have approved of her… decisions though. “You sure you want to take the job?” Her contract was nervous, she could tell that much as he shook in anxious worry— checking behind his back every three seconds as if Supergirl or Steel were going to come crashing through the wall and put the deal to rest. A legitimate worry, perhaps, but if it happened it happened as far as she thought. The aftermath of Doomsday was still present and whilst Superman had been loss in the process criminal activities hadn’t quite took in the opportunity that was in front of them yet. But she supposed it was only a matter of time. [color=pink]“It doesn’t really bother me. A job is a job.”[/color] “Alright then… you have the information of the operation. Any questions?” Jinx smirked, [color=pink]“Where do we make the drop off?”[/color] “An unmarked warehouse in the harbor. I’ll mark it down for you.” It was pretty much all set, they just had to make the heist work. But this wasn’t the first job they had ever taken despite it being one of the biggest risks they had went for. It would work— and with the “capes” as distracted as they were bound to be there was no way this wouldn’t be the best opportunity they had for a take like this. She could almost taste it. [color=pink]“Don’t worry; I’m not scared of a bunch of capes.”[/color] [hr] [center][b]M E T R O P O L I S[/b] [sub]S U I C I D E S L U M S [color=gray][b]January 1st, 2016[/b][/color][/sub][/center] [color=pink]“Okay, so the facility is an unmarked ARGUS warehouse disguised as a community center that has been ‘closed for renovations’.”[/color] Jinx made clear to the group as she laid out the map across the table with each individual tactical notice marked down. “Right around the corner from the Museum of Capes, too.” Gizmo’s grin widened as he nearly laughed in anticipation. “I love a challenge!” [color=pink]“Don’t get too ahead of yourself. We have to pull this off, we aren’t HIVE scrubs anymore operating against sidekicks. If we’re not careful we’ll attract attention from [i]someone[/i] wearing a cape and it won’t be fun and we won’t get [i]paid[/i].”[/color] “I do love getting paid!” Ambush Bug shouted as he leaned against a wall, casually looking at the map every now and then. Jinx nodded. [color=pink]“So, we’re looking at a quick and quiet operation. Gizmo disables the security and gets us in. Mammoth and Terra deal with any security detail. Shimmer, and Myself get the package. Ambush Bug gets us all out.”[/color] “Like clockwork.” Terra commented. [color=pink]“That's the plan. It goes down in thirty minutes, let’s get ready.” [/color]