The feminine bandit entered the tent once again, some time after Clifford managed to free himself. She didn't notice the loose ropes, the dirt blending in rather nicely with the wooden post. Cliff was feigning slumber as she approached him, holding another cup of water. She knelt down, examining him, lightly tapping the unburned side of his head to wake him up. Clifford suddenly threw his arms over the bandit's head, pulling her close and turning her, wrapping his arm around her neck and rearing the other one back. He held her jaw up as best he could while she thrashed about, trying to break free. But Cliff's grip was stronger than her own will. Her motions began to slow, and soon enough, she was unconscious. Clifford retracted his arms and laid the bandit on the ground, immediately moving his hands over to her pockets and equipment. She had a dagger strapped to her belt, which he promptly used to cut away his binds. He searched again, but not much else was on her. Thus, he dragged her aside. He peered outside of the tent, checking as subtly as he could. There were three more tents, and a fire going not too far away, with the rest of the bandit party settled around it. Clifford only counted five in total - the same five who'd taken him here. Perhaps the female bandit was more their maid than one of their comrades if she hadn't been involved in the capture, and delegated the chore of watering the bounty. The glow of the campfire revealed the nearby wooden fence, which all five of the bandits' horses were tied to. And an idea began to manifest inside Clifford's head. In the cover of the night, he lowered himself to the ground, and began crawling towards the nearest tent in the general direction of the horses.