Finn wasn't sure if the letter sent to him was legit, but he was willing to give it a shot since he was so desperate to do something about the sickened city that had become infested with crime. It was getting late and Finn not having a car meant that he would have to travel there on foot since he could get around quicker than taking the bus. His destination was the East Rage District where the Stone Gym was located. This definitely one of the more shadier side of Rage City, but Finn had no problem with that since he had toughened up for years to one day start his way against the criminal element of his home city. "I'm probably going to be late to this party, oh well I just hope that there will still be some action for me to take part in" he said to himself as he jumped from one building rooftop to another. Now that he was sure to be a crime infested part of town, Finn would have to be careful while traveling like this in case some of the gangs took him for a rival trespassing on their turf. Passing so many dirty and gratified buildings as well as the crack-houses and red districts made him give a sigh of sadness at how rotten his city had become. He was determined to get this town back on the right track and fight the good fight. It wasn't too long until he got to the East Rage District. He got down from the roof tops of the buildings and walked in the direction of the Gym on sidewalk. Finn made extra sure to try and keep as casual as possible so he didn't draw too much attention to himself. When he came to the area with the gym Finn saw that there was a fight going on and from the look of it, it was the Water Dragon triads. The name was familiar to him and he was going to watch and see if the other fighters would need assistance. He would step in if it seemed like they were in more need of help.