[b]“While I agree with your way of thinking, big guy. I also agree with Lux's desire to recon the place first.”[/b] Cassandra said to the super mutant with a friendly voice and turned towards the rest of the group.[b]” Slavers aren't to be taken for easy pickings... if they were, I would have taken care of many of them already. I would love nothing more than to wipe them all out, but they are way to well armed and dug in. We need information about them before we make out move.”[/b] She gave her clear opinion that she is with the scouting plan.[b]” Besides I don't want to suicide in frontal assault. I vote for infiltrating, but first we need the scouting done.”[/b] [b]“You...”[/b] Cassandra said, raising from her place and placing a hand on Ellie's shoulder.[b]” Don't go.”[/b] She stated, shaking her head a few times before looking towards Duela and then returning her gaze back to the younger girl. There were a few reasons why she wanted to stop the girl from going on that scouting mission. She never really interact much with her because she never stopped for too long in town, but she knew how scouting worked. As few people as possible, as skilled as possible... also she was slightly worried about the girl, she didn't want something to go wrong and her to get hurt.[b]” Two people on a scouting mission is already more than enough. We can use your help here.”[/b] She said to Ellie and looked around.[b]” While they are on scouting the enemy, I want to do a patrol sweep of the area around this place, want to help me?” [/b]She asked the younger girl with the bow. [b] “Big crews as Danette's bunch usually have patrols running around their area of operations, partly to catch any stragglers part to notice things like our merry little gang before we get too close to their bases.”[/b] Cassandra stated and fixed the positioning of her longbow. [b]“ So yeah, we need to do a sweep of the area as fast as possible and establish a look out of our own to warn of incoming raiders.”[/b] She stated, pulling an old ruined out book. The writing on it had long since turned too pale to read and she used it as a blank notebook to write things in, then she pulled an old nearly used up pen all that was left of it was about 4 cm. After some fiddling with the pages, she finally found the sketch she needed.[b]” This is a crude map of the area, I've marked the big trade roads and routes I've sighted raiders and slavers on, in the past.”[/b]