Quill preferred to remain optimistic despite the odds, however the somber mood of the camp she walked into got to her. Tobias walked briskly next to her and even he senses the dread that hung over the camp like a miasma. As she entered the army part of the camp, she noticed a distinct lack of soldiers. She didn't like the look of it. Tobias whined and she picked him up, petted his head and smiled, "Don't worry boy. I am sure things will be fine. We aren't in Ylisse anymore.." she said matter-of-factly. Enough was enough, she was here now, she would do her best to help out where she could. She imagined they would need as many hands as they could get. As she continued to walk she noticed a large gathering near a central tent with some people talking. She decided that was the first step and made her way over to the crowd.