[center] [h2][color=f7976a]The Cyclops[/color][/h2] [h3]Don't Shot Me, Bro[/h3] [@Mivuli][@Jangel13][@Vocab] [hr] 'Kid'? Her? Now she was highly amused. Were there really any actual 'kids' left in this world? Seemed like only snakes and salamanders were truly left. A soft laugh left her lips. Tilting her head to the side, the red head turned her one piercing green eye to the boy in front of her. He looked a little too happy to be pointing that gun at her. And being shot so soon wasn't exactly in the plans for today. Her lash marks were only just healing. The dust on her face was a good cover up of her abnormally pale complexion, but there was no way she was going to let these trigger happy kiddies see her weakness. You couldn't exactly just walk out of the Gamer Gang. Not without a punishment. One she had been just fine at taking. But now it seemed to have become a disadvantage, instead of a badge of honor. It made her shirt stick to her back and her shot gun made it ache a bit too much. She hoped she wasn't bleeding through the jacket. It was her favorite jacket. With a small sigh, the amusement drained from her face. Looking up at the sky, she supposed there was not much more free time left before she got another pretty pucker bullet wound to match the other. Her eye shot down, the sharp pale color a bit cold, but could you blame her? She was in serious pain and this little snips weren't making this easy. With the Cyote and Slinker inside, she had assumed she would be treated with suspicion, but allowed to meet inside as well. The Slinker was a lot creepier than her. Hey, she was friggin' adorable compared to that guy. But they were being cautious. After losing their friends, it was only right. They were mad and wanted to take it out on someone. She could empathize. Just...maybe not at this moment. [color=fdc68a]"Look, Greenie,"[/color] she stared the boy down, [color=fdc68a]"If I wanted a fight, I would of [u]stayed[/u] wit' the Gamers, not risked meh skin comin' here alone."[/color] Cy grabbed the Gamer patch on her jacket sleeve and with one solid tug it was released from its stitches with a nice [i]RIIIIIP![/i] Tossing it in the dust at their feet, she just put her hands up. [color=fdc68a]"If you think this is a game, yer in for a cold wakin' up, Greenie,"[/color] her voice was warm but low and serious, [color=fdc68a]"Gamer-Scorp fightin' is about tah blow up in the matter o' days. A lil' tussle with some of their stranglers ain't gonna be nothin' compared to the truf war that's comin'."[/color] She gestured to the area around her. [color=fdc68a]"And a few extra guns is somethin' worth more than twinkies and a can o' Coke for both sides,"[/color] Cy stared him down, [color=fdc68a]"Some smaller gangs have already been assimilated. And some wiped out." [/color] She let the simmer for a bit. [color=fdc68a]"Ain't you wonderin' why yeh been gettin' so much attention lately?"[/color] she cocked her head towards the graves, [color=fdc68a]"Ya'll think yeh can handle both them gangs on yer own? But whatever. Shot meh if ya like. I thought ye lot with be a little more intelligent, but maybe I should try my hand with the the Earthkin." [/color] She slipped a little white sheet of paper from on of her pockets and twirled it this way and that. Looking at it, it was oddly untouched by the grim of the world around it. Like it had been from a very well kept up book. [color=fdc68a]"Heh, don't think the O.S. will let meh back in their mess fer a while,"[/color] she looked back at the child soldiers then up at the sharp shooter, [color=fdc68a]"Try not to mess up meh pretty face, alright Sharp Shot?"[/color] She looked back down at the boy and girl before her. [color=fdc68a]"Gotta keep The Cyclops face a might bit prettier these days. Bad fer business if an info seller looks like a Frankenstein."[/color] She licked her lips and set one foot back. Bracing herself. Hey, not everyone could be reasoned with and this crazy eyed Greenie looked thirsty for her blood. [color=fdc68a]"Map of the Scorps hangout,"[/color] she said plainly, [color=fdc68a]"That, kiddies, is meh trade."[/color][/center]