Hong Lee was giggling as the trash went over him, his laugh was like a thick nightclub bassline his body was so huge any sound that resonated from him seemed to shake the very air itself. As the trash can came down, with a flick of elbow he back handed the metal cylinder and it flew to the right of him like a cannonball, crashing straight into Matt Marcus who was knocked over by the makeshift projectile. While doing this though, he was distracted from his iron grip on the wrist of Valentina, who broke his grasp with her knife hand strike which she pivoted into perfectly, it had just enough force to catch him off guard. [i][color=fff200]HEHEHE NICE MOVES ARMY GIRL, HONG LIKES THE AGILE ONES HAHAHAHA[/color][/i] Valentina threw off her coat ready for battle, and Hong grinned at her as her face became like that of a demon. Her first attack was an elbow charge which Hong blocked with his elbow. She then made a trick turn and spun behind him, at speed with he did not expect, and drove her elbow into his lower back which made him flinch quite noticeably. [i][color=fff200]HAHAHA YOUR SO SMALL BUT THAT KINDA HURT![/color][/i] But Hong was 7'9 and close to 400 ilbs, there was no way this mountain of a man would be moved by any normal means. Grunting after being hit, he spun around quickly with his arm outstretched like a half tornado and his forearm stuck the military lady hard in the shoulder. Knocking her 3 feet away from him as if she was a stray puppy. Hong then turned his sights on Mike Hardwick, with his hand fast like a cobra strike, he clasped his massive shovel hands around the pro wrestlers neck and began to lift him up from his neck, choking him. [i][color=fff200]YOURE NOT THAT BIG, WRESTLER MAN, HONG THINKS YOU LIGHT LIKE AN ACTION FIGURE! BWAHAHAHAHAHA[/color][/i]